Tuesday, December 14, 2010

To Market, To Market. . .

I have way too many pictures for this post! 
I just was camera crazy at the downtown market yesterday.
We had SO much fun. . . here's why:
1-See that blue??
It rained the whole week my folks had been here,
up until Monday. In fact, we've had above normal rainfall.
The papers call the rainy wave from Hawaii the "Pineapple Express."
I had been praying my parents would see some snow-peaked mountains. . .
just once. 
And they did!!! It didn't rain a drop our whole time downtown. 
2- The market is rather hectic with five children. 
SO, having FOUR adults to hold hands and 
keep track of them all was quite helpful!
(Although, my dear hubby said I WASN'T so helpful
because I has so snap-happy! At least Poppie was helpful :)
3- Could you ask for more STUFF to look at??
So many colors and interesting vendors,
suitable for ALL ages.
4-We came home with some wonderful
blackberry RAW honey and raspberry almonds.
5- All these beautiful produce stands
had vendors standing in front of them passing out samples.
We also came home with some HUGE apples! 
6- Even the boys were captivated by the
fish, crabs, shrimp, etc. on display.
7- We were with Nannie and Poppie! 
Experiencing for the first time,
a little taste of the Northwest  and our new city. 
Sure boosted my confidence about having visitors.
We are slowly learning our way around.
Come see us!! 
8- At numerous places in the market,
there were various "street performers."
A music duo and a magician were our favorites! 
9- Below is pictured the "gum wall."
Not really any explanation is needed. . . 
the pictures pretty much tell all! 
We didn't have gum, but thankfully another dad happened
to be there at the same time with his kids, and offered ours some. 
Yep, somewhere on that wall are my children's pieces of gum!! 
10- We got to visit the very FIRST Starbucks! 
Now that was a treat for this coffee lover :)
We came home with some mugs that you can only
purchase at that particular store! 
The Lord was SO good. 
It was a terrific end to our week.
Abby has declared that she is a tree-hugger,
but wants to live in the CITY when she grows up. 
She gets GIDDY around those big building. 
Quite a different taste than this country girl. . .
We shall see!

I did love, love, love our day in the city.

I'm just thankful we can leave. . .
and then come back. . .
 whenever we like!


  1. Oh how I love me some Abs!! Taking after her aunt Heidi in the big city!!! Fun pictures to see. I sure wish I could figure out how to put pix on my blog like you do. I just don't take the time or have the patience! ~heidi

  2. Looks like you all had a great time. It is a special place of the Northwest - and -YES- you were brave to take five children into the crowded walkways. I REALLY like the gum wall and sooooo glad you got to participate with your own ABC gum!!!!! So glad your folks could come for this time. We really enjoyed their fellowship too! Thanks, again for sharing. lv u all nwmom

  3. WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL PHOTOGRAPHS! Great job, I really enjoyed this post. So glad it was a happy day down there. I need to go there for a little photo assignment ;)


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