Friday, December 21, 2012


Too many pictures to just choose one today, like I often do on Fridays.....
So, I'm sharing bits of our week. 

It's been great to have a slower schedule with school. 
We all desperately need time off just to be .... however it seems I just said that
last month during the Thanksgiving holiday. Hmmmm. 
I hope this is not going to become a pattern:)

The sun has been out a couple of days this week, which is always a plus. 
This time of year, and really throughout the winter, it is somewhat challenging
in regard to the gloomy days. We all feel it. We've been told that
it's really good to get outside, even if for a bit. The fresh air and open
spaces, I assume, help to keep one's spirit's high. So, we've been 
making an effort, especially when it's not raining. I can tell that it helps....
at least it helps me!! It's been pretty cold, in fact Wednesday we had 
some snow. I snapped pictures with my phone, so I'll have to share them 
at a later time. The snow and the white and the light, always help to fight the gloom. 

(Ellie shot the picture above) 
I'm loving this guy's toothless grin!! 
(another one of Ellie's!) 

On Monday, we woke to really cold weather. The skies held off the rain in the morning,
and we encouraged the kids to go out back. The pastor got a little fire going in the pit,
and we encouraged the kids to play creatively. 
Pretty soon they had a full on fort built......
and just in time for the drizzle, mixed with a little snow!! It was freezing,
but the kids dragged blankets and sleeping bags out to their "tent"
and asked for a picnic lunch, of all things. 
Ellie took a few pics of the party inside their tent.
Too cold for me!! 
Even the pup made her way into the fun!! 
Wednesday morning we woke to a blanket of white. 
The kids all bundled up and headed outside. The boys successfully
rolled two huge snow balls down the street, but for some reason
the snow man didn't get made ..... I think it started raining! 

Later that afternoon, some friends from church came over to play with the younger 
girls. I thought it was so cute that they planted themselves under
the Christmas tree to play... 

And we've been having some sweet, sweet family advent times. 
We've been reading Ann Voskamp's A Jesse Tree Journey
for the third year. Last year, I added the wooden candle holder that
her son made ..... I love it, along with the meaningful family times it brings. 

"Wise men are always worshipping, men and women, boys and girls,
who keep their eyes turned towards the heaven for the blazing glory
of God to come down..... sometimes even a gift of baby
come down from the Father of heavenly lights can make
our hearts burn with love.

Lord God, You alone are God. Ignite our hearts!"
(excerpt from A Jesse Tree Journey by Ann Voskamp)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

14 years

Our sweet Ellie turned 14 this past Tuesday. 
Now, that is hard to believe!! I think I say that every year. 
She has grown so much this past year, spiritually and physically!! 
She is becoming quite the young lady, and we are so proud of her. 
We praise the Lord for this sweet daughter of ours,
and could not imagine life without her. 

I love being able to link to past posts .... which means I've been 
blogging for a while, and it is starting to pay off! So fun to look back at what I journaled,
what we were doing as a family, and how the kids have changed. 
I've printed out my first year of blogging ~2011~ and am now working on 2012. 
It means so much to have this record of our family's life. 
Lord willing, the kids will grow to appreciate it too!! 
The past year on this blog, I've made an effort at each of the kids' birthdays,
to post some baby pictures. I thought I was done with that, and as 
I was fashioning this post, Ellie reminded me that I have not done that for her!! 
I was so thankful she reminded me, and started looking back at
all the pictures I had stored on our computer of her. 
And to be honest, there are hardly any of her first year!! 
She was born way back in the day of "film",
so most of our pictures of her are in real live photo books! 
I've yet to figure out how to scan pictures, so I took samples
of her early years from what I had ..... and actually most were taken
by my brother and our family's first digital camera. Thank you John!! 

The funny thing is, we have hours and hours and hours of sweet little
baby Ellie on video ..... and doing nothing but looking sweet:) I think that's pretty
standard for the first child, isn't it? 
She's our Georgia Peach. The only evidence besides her dad and I, that the South is a part of our heritage!! 
We headed to California for the pastor
to attend seminary when she was about 3 months old, so really Ellie was a west coast
beach child (and boy has she missed that sunny place since we've moved north!!).
Drew entered the picture very quickly. I remember learning I was 
pregnant with him on Ellie's first birthday!!! I was very pregnant with him
in that third picture..... Ellie was 7 when I had our last, little Whit. 
Lots of babies in a tiny amount of time! 
..... And I have to say, the Pastor looks like he's in middle school in that first picture. 
Good grief, we were young!! Sometimes it feels like we've grown up with our kids,
and now we're just OLD!!! 

I started blogging the year Ellie turned 12, so you can check out those
parties by following the links:  13th here and 12th here. Boy, has she changed!! 

This was her 3rd birthday in the Northwest. 
She likes to keep things pretty low-keyed ..... and I sure don't complain!! 
Her celebrating extended over a number of day. 
My sweet mom had expressed a desire to send Ellie money
so she could treat a couple of friends for dinner. 
And what a fabulous birthday gift that was for a teenager!! 
She invited her closest friend from our church, along with a young woman
who mentors them, to dine at her favorite Greek Cafe. 
It sounds like they had a wonderful time, and then they headed
back to this gal's house for a sleep-over! Ellie surprisingly
requested to watch the Bourne trilogy, her most recent favorite action movies. 
So, that's what they did!! And if I understand correctly, they
watched 2 Friday night, and 1 Saturday morning while
eating waffles with ice cream on top!! 
Thank you Leah and Ashlyn for loving on Ellie so well! 

Monday brought Num Num and Papa down from Lynden. 
Num Num spoiled Ellie and took her shopping. She bought her
an adorable outfit, which I do believe Ellie wore for days in a row afterwards!! 
Papa treated us all to an Italian restaurant Monday night.

And FINALLY, Ellie's actual birthday, Tuesday morning. 
She woke to gifts, and waffles: 

That evening, we continued with our recent family tradition and
the pastor and I took Ellie out to eat all on her own. We came back
to the house to watch our favorite show "The Voice" and also a Michael Buble
concert that we had recorded..... and of course cake and ice-cream. 

I do have to mention that I was over the moon with how my cake
turned out. Partly because I selfishly wanted to make a carmel cake like
the one I used to have on special occasions with my grand-mother. 
I knew I was dreaming, especially because the cake I used to have was made
by a truly SOUTHERN cook, and the recipe was evidently top-secret. 
But I had to make a go of it. So, I simply bought 2 of Trader Joe's
boxed (yes boxed!!) vanilla bean, yellow cake mixes, bought two new commercial, round cake
pans (which I think actually made a huge difference with how the 4 layers turned out!),
and picked a Paula Deen carmel icing recipe out (on-line). 
All I can say is it was a winner, and I have established a new family tradition. Ha. 
I would have never dreamed that would actually happen! 

And the birthday group shots, the first being an attempt
for my 5-pack to smile sweetly ..... (which never happens these days),
put next to her 10th birthday, 4 years ago (she was sporting braces that year!!) 
So fun to see how they've grown:
And then the crazy pics:
Silly faces: 
If you were a fly on our wall, you might find Ellie ~ at 14 ~
doing one of these things:
She's drinking lots of coffee or tea these days (like her mama, it's a comfort thing :)
She may be in the kitchen baking (those were her gorgeous Thanksgiving pies this year!)
Her favorite sport is soccer, though she often runs with her dad. 
Her favorite pooch is Jessie. "What would life be without Jessie," she says? 
She's got a flair for fashion and make-up (and in fact chooses very tastefully!!).
She's got a love for Instagram and photography (like me!!).
She loves crafting. That middle picture was taken on her birthday.
We decided on a project, went out and bought the fabric, and came home
to craft while watching Wives and Daughters. (another one of her favorite things to do!! :) 
She is more often than not, up in her room. Alone. Painting or drawing. 
I seriously think she is one of the most talented people I know!! 
The only things I don't have a picture of her doing are reading and listening to music. 
She's an avid reader. She loves her kindle. Especially Fantasy.
Books by Shannon Hale and The Hunger Games trilogy have been her fav this year. 
Like her dad, she loves her music (especially Taylor Swift!).

Most importantly, she loves the Lord and has a heart that seeks after Him! 
The past two and a half years have been the hardest of her life.
But the Lord is using her struggles, her hormones, her longing for the sun,
to sanctify her and grow her into a lovely young woman. 

Your struggle is not over sweet Ellie, and neither is mine. 
It's a life-long process: this growing in grace. The pains are just beginning!! 
All I can say is that the Lord is going to use these
challenging, difficult, stretching years of growing-up ~
for His glory. for His good. for His kingdom. 
and for your good. 
Don't fight it sweet girl. Rest in His everlasting arms.
Pray that He will use your gifts for His purpose and for His glory. 
And that your heart will be willing to let Him use you. 
Fill your mind with things that are noble, right, pure, and lovely. 
Be thankful and present your requests to Him. 
And peace will follow.  He promises that. 
He doesn't promise that things will be easy. 
But He does promise His presence and His grace. 
He is faithful and will do what He says. 

My verse for you dear Ellie, as you begin the 15th year of your life, is from Philippians 2. 
It's one that I cherished when I was your age.
(in fact, I loved the whole book of Philippians during those years!!)
It encourages and reminds you to "work out" your salvation,
while at the SAME time it reminds you that GOD "works in you"
to accomplish "HIS good purpose."
Praise God for that. 

"Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed-
not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence -
continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,
for it is God who works in you to will and to act according
to his good purpose. 

Do everything without complaining or arguing, 
so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God,
without fault in a crooked and depraved generation,
in which you shine like stars in the universe
as you hold out the word of life - in order that I may boast on the day
of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing."
Philippians 2:12-14

You are my daughter, and I love you Elisabeth Noel!! 
Happy, happy birthday. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

the hunt

So this past week, we took off as a family to hunt down our Christmas tree. 
We've done this for the past three years (WOW!!! ) since our move to the Northwest. 
I love looking back at this blog to see how the kids have grown .... and they do grow fast. 
Check out 2011's hunt here and 2010's hunt here
It's hard to believe we are celebrating out 3rd Christmas in our new home!! 

2012's hunt proved itself to be a bit more challenging than past years. 
We are no longer dealing with tired children who need naps or clean pants,
but rather with growing, opinionated, teens and pre-teens .... and pre-pre-teens :)
Everyone has their own idea of what our tree should look like ....
what type it should be .... how tall it should be .... how round it should be, etc. 
Needless to say, there were tears this hunt. It was hard to avoid them. 
When the vote is 4-1, there is not much one can do ..... 

The pictures, of course, tell the story. I'm not sure much else needs to be said. 
 ..... You figure out what happened :) 

Hot chocolate and a little Mama love make everything better.