Elisabeth Noel, my firstborn, turned 12 today.
Nannie and Poppie are here visiting,
and we had a special morning opening gifts,
and having a big french toast breakfast.
Ellie was born in Georgia, and my folks were
there at her birth. Nannie shared remembrances of that day.
I was induced, and after a difficult time, had a c-section.
Nannie shared how she was worried about me but so thankful to see Ellie-
all 9lbs, 2 oz. of her through the nursery window!
Uncle John drove over from UGA that night to see her.
It was a difficult time, as the c-section was unexpected,
and I was emotional and in pain.
I didn't understand why I couldn't
see my baby immediately, but had to be in the recovery room!
Ellie spent the first night in the nursery, and I remember the sweet time I had
alone with her the next morning when I was feeling better.
Elisabeth, her namesake and my best friend,
drove over from S.C. to see her.
We were able to celebrate Ellie's birthday this past Thursday
with BOTH sets of Ellie's grand-parents,
at Num Num and Papa's house. . .
at Num Num and Papa's house. . .
In fact, we realized that Nannie and Poppie
have never been to one of Ellie's birthdays!
have never been to one of Ellie's birthdays!
So, this was a first on two accounts. . .

having all four grand-parents together to celebrate for the first time,
and having Nannie and Poppie with her.

having all four grand-parents together to celebrate for the first time,
and having Nannie and Poppie with her.
It was very special.
Num Num prepared a WONDERFUL dinner,
served on pewter dishes. . . that come out only for birthdays!
The table was beautiful,
The table was beautiful,
and we had ice cream cake.
Ellie and daddy's FAVORITE!!
At the dinner table, we talked of what a godly heritage these children have!
Poppie commented on how AMAZING it was that
all of Ellie's great-grandparents loved the Lord
and served Him in different ways.
And Ellie and her brothers and sisters
are reaping the benefits of those Covenant promises!!
It was a VERY sweet time.
Ellie is growing to be such a beautiful young lady!
She has a very creative side to her. . .
often reminding me of my younger days- drawing and painting,
playing the piano, and reading, reading, reading.
(I will say, I think she exceeds any abilities I had!!)
It has been so fun to watch her read my very favorite childhood books
and be able to discuss them with her!
She LOVES music, like her dad, and
adores "dates" with us - whether it be shopping with me,
or riding her bike with dad while he jogs. . .
I was anxious to take the picture below. . . all five with both sets of grandparents,
because I was thinking "this may never happen again!"
But after thinking about it rationally,
I realized it WOULD most likely happen again.
We are so very sad to be separated from those we love -across the country
(we are ESPECIALLY missing Uncle John, Aunt Heidi, and Cousin Chase)
BUT we are sure of God's perfect, good plan,
and are resting in that.
Each season we have been through has been sweet,
and this is a very new and exciting one for us.
My prayer for Ellie is that she would continue to grow to be a godly woman,
who loves and honors the Lord. . .
that He she would use her God-given talents for HIS glory,
and that she would have a servant's heart.
I will be praying this (our winter memory work) for her:
Therefore, I urge you, brothers (and sisters!) in view of God's mercy,
to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-
this is our spiritual act of worship.
Do not be conformed any longer to the pattern of this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-
his good, pleasing and perfect will.
For by the grace given me I say to every one of you:
Do not think of yourself more highly that you ought,
but rather think of yourself with sober judgement,
in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.
Just as each of us has one body with many members,
and these members do not all have the same function,
so in Christ we who are many form one body,
and each member belongs to all the others.
We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.
Romans 12:1-6a
What a happy celebration for our dear Ellie! We were so excited to have everyone here! WHAT A PRECIOUS time. You have grown in so many beautiful ways! AND as I look at the blog pictures, I have tears of joy. Our gracious God has been so good to us, to bring us all together. WE love you all dearly, NUMNUM