Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Childlike Trust

We are in our last week of good-byes. We are sad. We are overwhelmed. But we are not alone. 
This past month, the Lord has been so very gracious to us in so many ways.
I hope to share some bits of His faithfulness in the days to come. . . 
The book I referred to in an earlier post, that I got from Mama Jo's house, 
is called The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life. 
It is by a Quaker named Hannah Smith who lived in the mid 1800s. 
I wanted to share a bit of it that has really been meaningful to me. 
"Let the ways of childish confidence and freedom from care, 
which so please you and win your hearts in your own little ones, 
teach you what should be your ways with God; 
and, leaving yourselves in His hands, learn to be literally 'careful for nothing';
and you shall find it to be a fact that the peace of God, 
which passeth all understanding, shall keep (as with a garrison)
your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
'Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee:
because he trusteth in thee.' . . . 
There is such a thing as having one's soul kept in perfect peace,
now and here in this life;
and childlike trust in God is the key to its attainment."
I want to have childlike trust. My children are trusting in me and their daddy. 
They are not sad. They are not overwhelmed. 
Am I trusting in my Heavenly Father like my children trust in me? 

O Lord, help me to have faith like a child. 

Saturday, August 28, 2010

It is Not Death to Die

When I was on the airplane last Monday, headed to my grandmother's funeral
I came across a Sovereign Grace song on an album called Come Weary Saints.
It is called It is Not Death to Die. This song so encouraged and comforted my heart,
that I wanted to share the lyrics.  Actually, it is an old hymn redone by Bob Kauflin.
It is not death to die
to leave this weary road
and join the saints who dwell on high
who found their home with God.

It is not death to close
the eyes long dimmed by tears
and wake in joy before your throne
delivered from our fears.

O Jesus, conquering the grave
your precious blood has vowed to save
those who trust in you will in your mercy find
that it is not death to die.
It is not death to fling
aside this earthly dust
and rise with strong and nobel wing
to live among the just.

It is not death to hear
the key unlock the door
that sets us free from mortal years 
to praise you evermore.

O Jesus, conquering the grave
your precious blood has vowed to save
those who trust in you will in your mercy find
the it is not death to die. 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mama Jo

Today I came home from a trip east where I attended my dear grandmother's funeral. She went to be with the Lord last Sunday evening. It has been a very emotional week as so many things are converging in my life - with her death and our imminent move to the Northwest. I am still processing everything and wanted to share some memories I have of her. If I had had the opportunity to share at her memorial service, perhaps this is what I would have said:

I've always known my grandmother as "Mama Jo." Not sure where that name came from but it sure did fit her! She was my second mama!

She and my grand-dad, "Pop" lived in the same house for the 72 years that they were married, in a small southern town in North Carolina. I have such fond memories of our trips to see her. Mama Jo took me shopping every time I came to visit. And how I loved that! I remember as a child anxiously waiting to go shopping while she got ready. . . it seemed to take forever!! I could always count on her to buy me a darling outfit at Christmas. In fact, I've acquired a number of hand-me-down clothes that she wore! What 36 year old woman can proudly wear her 94 year old grandmother's clothes? They are all so stylish and I love telling people they were hers.

Mama Jo loved to read. I remember coming to see her for vacation in high school, pulling books off her shelf that she recommended, and reading them while I was there. I loved sharing good books with her! This past week while I was in her home, I did just that. . . pulled books off her shelf to see which ones she had written in and recommended. You see, if a book meant something to her, or encouraged her in her walk with the Lord, she would record it in the front or back cover. Today, I came home with quite a treasure and am loving to read something that was so meaningful to her.

As a child I loved Mama Jo's hands, and I loved trying on her rings. Her fingers were so small, that the rings often fit me! I remember she would always paint my nails for me. What a treat! This past March for my birthday she and my mother decided to give me her engagement ring. O how I treasure that and love wearing it! It is such a wonderful reminder of my godly heritage. Both my mother and my grandmother have been such wonderful examples to me of women who love the Lord, are busy at home, faithfully loving their husband, their children, and those around them. How Mama Jo loved to cook! I like to think that any signs I have of being a gracious host have been passed from Mama Jo to my mother and then to me.

Mama Jo asked that Psalms 103 be used at her memorial service. I love verse 17 of that Psalm:
"But from everlasting to everlasting
the LORD's love is with those who fear him,
and his righteousness with their children's children-
with those who keep his covenant and 
remember to obey his precepts."
That is a covenantal promise! My children and my grandchildren are going to benefit from Mama Jo and Pop's faithfulness to our Saviour, Jesus Christ. O how thankful I am!!

I love the fact that Mama Jo is joining in the chorus with all the saints from eternity past-praising our Savior and worshiping in His very presence. I am so thankful I will join her one day. This world is but a shadow of eternity! Praise the Lord. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

the bedrooms

So, I wanted to share the bedrooms before we move on. 
As you can see, the girls room is a bright purple. . . which we are all tired of :)
I painted the dresser along with the play kitchen hutch. . . 
stenciled the flowers on the wall, shelves, and dresser.
Also made the happy quilts on the bunk beds.
We purchased Whit's child bed off of Craig's list this past year. 
It has been a tight squeeze, but it has worked. 
The boys' bunk set was bought from our neighbors.
The red dresser, picture, and retro train were all from dad's childhood. 
The airplane quilts were bought from a dear friend who moved,
and the retro border was found at Target. 
The curtains were found at my favorite thrift store along with 
the darling pottery barn chairs. 
I painted the dresser and shelf, and made the photo board. . . 
We finally broke down a couple of years ago and purchased a king bed.
Never thought I would love it so very much! It was bought at Ikea along 
with the black bookshelf.  Makes all those nights with children 
coming in to sleep with us so much more bearable :) 
Found the pastor's roll-top desk off of Craig's list.
The antique chest is from my family, and the
oak, antique Singer sewing machine was given to me by a friend at church. 
We have definitely made three bedrooms for seven people work,
but O how excited and thankful we are to have a little more space
to look forward to!!  Ellie is thrilled about her own bedroom. 
(and I am thrilled about my own, big bathtub!!)
I really think it is going to do all the girls good to be spread out a little more. . . 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

double digits

I now have TWO children in "double digits!"
Our Drew turned 10 years old today! 
He and Dad went to their last Padres game this past week. . . 
and this morning our gift to him was tickets to his first
MARINERS game. . .vs. the Red Sox!! 
This afternoon three of his buddies are coming over.
They are going to go biking around Lake Mirimar,
go eat at In-n-Out, then come back here for ice cream and a movie. . .
and of course to play the Wii!! 

Drew, we are SO PROUD of you!
May the LORD continue to grow you into the
young man He would like you to be.
We Love You!!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

fear not

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?
And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father.
But even the hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."
Matthew 10:29, 30

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Whit's birthday


We had a wonderful day celebrating Whitney's fourth birthday.
We sure don't have any babies anymore!!!
Whitney picked this caterpillar cake over a princess one. . .
as you can see I took off with the theme.

We had a lovely, good old-fashioned time at the park playing
duck duck goose, and having some relay races.
I think little Whit felt very loved and honored.

May you grow to be a woman of God, beautiful on the inside as well as the outside!
Happy Birthday Whitney Catherine! 

Monday, August 9, 2010

downtown memories

Wanted to share a few more pictures I snapped
while my dear hubby and I were walking along the water
on our 15th anniversary night. 
 Fun thinking of all our memories down here. 
Over the years we've spent a number of nights downtown. 
Once with our dear friends, the Barries. . . we stayed at the Holiday Inn.
The boys had completely surprised us girls-packed our bags and all.
We ate at a fancy restaurant and went water skiing at Mission Bay.
 Another time the pastor and I farmed the kids out for our 10th anniversary.
We stayed at a hotel right by SeaPort Village.
We took a romantic boat cruise around the bay, eating dinner and enjoying the atmosphere! 
We even got to experience riding in one of the many "travel bikes."
(Not sure what those are called but the young people who do that are amazing!) 
 Over the years, we often brought visitors down here. 
It is SUCH a beautiful place and we always were anxious to show it off. 
The shops are super touristy, but hey you've got to experience it
once in a while! 
Our city sure is beautiful! I've always thought it would be cool to tour
some of these boats, but haven't had the chance. . . maybe one day!! 

One other amazing thing that I will always love about this place,
is how the airport is right in the heart of the city. 
The incoming plane ride is AMAZING as you get to view the water, and
it appears as if you are flying between the tall buildings downtown. 

I will always remember my very first arrival here eleven years ago,
with little Ellie less than a year old. . . 

New beginnings- excitement, fear, and assurance of God's sovereign plan! 

Thursday, August 5, 2010

15 Wonderful Years

I married my very best friend 15 years ago this day!
My sweet man brought me BEAUTIFUL roses, 
took me out to eat at Anthony's on the bay, 
and then on a stroll along the water. We had a lovely time. 
 I am amazed at how much I still adore being with him. 
He truly is my very favorite person in all the world to be with!! 
How thankful I am that the Lord saw fit to bless me. . . 
with SUCH a godly man. 
Happy Anniversary dear one!!
"This is my beloved and this is my friend. . ." Song of Solomon 5:16

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Beach Day


May your day be as bright and sunny as ours was!!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Living Room

We sold our house this past week.
It is better-sweet for me. 
So much thankfulness for God's CLEAR leading,
and yet we are leaving our first home. . .
and dear family and friends. 
God's call to do kingdom business in the Northwest is clear,
but it is not without painful sacrifice.
I thought I would document a little bit of this precious house.
1250 square feet has been a TIGHT squeeze for our family,
but we have some SWEET, SWEET memories here
that will always be with us. 
When we moved in here six years ago, I was very pregnant with my fourth.
I vividly remember my dear friend Cheryl demanding that I sit down on the couch
as she cleaned and unpacked boxes for me. . . 
I brought home, for the first time, both Toby and Whitney here. 
Ellie and Drew both started piano lessons here. 
Loved how music would resound through the house.
I remember watching my niece Chase for the first time in front of our
cozy fire. . . all my kids begging for a chance to hold her. 
We had many sweet community group gatherings in this living room.
The pastor would play the guitar while we all sang,
and then we would listen to the precious prayers of all our little ones 
as we walked through the "prayer glove."
This great room was one of the reasons I wanted to buy this house. . . 
even though it was so small, the beautiful french doors and openness 
made hosting large groups doable.
How very blessed we have been!!!