Tuesday, July 31, 2012


WLC - What are the works of providence? 
A. God's works of providence are His most holy, wise, and 
powerful preserving and governing all His creatures; 
ordering them, and all their actions, to His own glory. 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

what does it take to get ONE good shot?


 lots and lots and lots of pictures! 

Friday, July 27, 2012

{this moment}

:: celebrating Num Num!! ::

Thursday, July 26, 2012

July {a journal of pictures}

The summer is FLYING by. O, how I want it to go S.L.O.W.
It simple doesn't do what I ask! 
Just thought I'd share a few pics of what
we've been up to the past month.... the sun has been out quite a bit
which has been WONDERFUL! The kids are spending 
a lot of time in our front yard under this:
(or actually above it!) Abby and her two friends, Molly and Mattie, 
made a little house underneath this tree.... 
even cutting out a door (much to the pastor's frustration :)
They can climb the ladder and sit on the top of the tree.
SOOO fun and creative, in my opinion!! 

More sweet summer friends.... Charlotte and Bo. 
Bo recently got to spend 2 nights with Toby while his parents were out of town! 
These two little guys have such similar personalities. So fun to watch their friendship grow!
Abby and Charlotte actually have pretty similar personalities too.....
super bubbly and outgoing! Their friendship goes waaaay back (to babies in SD :)

Sweet times for Toby with his far-away family singing him "Happy Birthday" via i-chat. 
Cousin Chase and Aunt Heidi in CA (they even had a cake for him!)
and Nannie and Popi in GA, with their little friend Mercedes (who we've met over the computer!) 

We've headed to the park a number of times this month.....
and lately we've been playing some family basketball! SOOOO fun. 
The pastor and I have a history with basketball, so with our crew
it kind of feels like we are running a camp. ha. 
Drew especially loves it and hopes to maybe play on a team this year! 

And what has my sweet eldest daughter been up too? WELL.... take a guess.
I found her an "art desk" at the thrift store for a whopping 12 dollars,
and it has been THE BEST purchase for her! She'll be in her room
drawing hours on end.... and I can't help but brag about how very talented she is.
At this rate, I imagine soon she will be taking orders :)

I framed and hung the print below in my living room.
I heart kitties.

AND, of course we've been to Num Num and Papa's a time or two this month.
Most recently, we were there to celebrate Num Num's birthday (more pictures to come!)
Also, Auntie Tricia moved into a FABULOUS new home that
we have so enjoyed seeing! Good times.

Other summer happenings:
:: We've joined the local community pool and have been swimming more
the past month than in the past two years combined!! ::
 :: The kids have been attending a VBS this past week at a local
community church which has been wonderful for them. The theme is the Olympics!! ::
 :: And I'm looking forward to the arrival of my folks this next week,
along with two more family birthdays!! ::

O summer, won't you please last FOREVER??

Friday, July 20, 2012

Celebrating Toby

We had a another birthday this week! Sweet Toby turned 8. 
He wanted to invite some buddies over to play some good-ol' basketball 
and soccer at the park. We thought it was a good plan.... so at four o'clock on
Monday, 12 boys showed up at our place. Talk about CRAZY!! 
Thankfully, our plan for taking them to the park worked out great,
and the craziness went there for an hour with the pastor and two other dads. 
The boys came back tired, thirsty and famished..... just in time for
hot dogs, hamburgers, strawberry lemonade, cupcakes, and ice cream in the back yard. 
It was perfect... and I think Toby felt VERY special. 

 His gift from us was this COOL orange BMX bike and helmet. 
He is a pro at riding our cul-de-sac and that's where you will find him
most of the time. The neighborhood kids have come out of the wood-work
this summer, so he and his siblings have had extra company out there lately...

Toby is signed up to play soccer this spring. He's fast as lightening, so we think
he will do well. It will be his first experience with a team-sport. 

Thankfully, as he continues to grow, he still continues to be the most affectionate
of our bunch. His love language is lots of kisses and cuddles!! 
He's got the cutest darn laugh (or actually giggle) and I get such a kick
out of listening to him when he cracks himself up :) 
You can't help but start laughing yourself. 
His best friend is his big brother Drew. 
Most days, you will find them hanging out together.....
riding bikes, lego building, wii playing, shooting water or dart guns at each other,
screaming at each other while wrestling. 
You know, the typical, LOUD boy scenarios. 

We love you little Toby man and thank the Lord for your precious life. 
You make our home quite hilarious at times, and we cherish you .... and your laugh!! 
I love your little boy smell, your rumpled hair, and your sweet kisses. 
Keep riding those bikes, shooting those water guns, and kicking those balls.
Keep growing in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man.  
Thank you for being YOU and for being such a HUGE blessing to our family. 
We wouldn't change a single thing T-Jason! 

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you.
May He be gracious to you.

{this moment}

:: my sweet boy turns 8 ::

Friday, July 13, 2012

{this moment}

:: Whit's web-chat date with cousin Chase, which included 
eating a snack together and reading "Bob" books to each other! ::

a quick trip

 We took a VERY quick trip to see some dear friends over the fourth of July. 
These friends go waaayyy back..... even before the baby years. 
In fact, we named some of our children after each other :) 
We met Jason and Kristin in GA, and they dragged us across the country to CA. Ha.
The boys got through seminary together, and Kris and I got through the first years of mothering. 
After seminary, they headed to MT.... and we stayed in CA. 
Because of these connections early on, our kids have really sweet relationships with each other. 
The pastor and I thought it was a bit crazy to drive 13 hours to see this sweet family,
but our kids would NOT let us consider otherwise. 
SO, we arrived in MT, after a long, BEAUTIFUL, car ride to this 10 acre home in the country. 
The kids picked right up with each other and had a glorious time,
while we adults did the same. 
Wouldn't have changed a second of anything...
(except the bad cold I had the whole trip :) 
Here's a taste of our trip and a few highlights:
:: beautiful, beautiful country ::
:: taking a breather from the car... ::
:: a long walk in the country on Jason and Kristin's property ::
:: lots of drawing ::
:: lots of make-overs..... ::
:: resulting in beautifully made-up girls ::
:: warm weather, and sprinkler-running each night ::
:: a good-ol' 4th of July rodeo ::
:: Jason's sweet relationship with his namesake (Toby), affectionately know as T-Jason ::
:: a sweet reunion at the rodeo w/ another family from way back!! ::
:: glorious mornings and evenings on the back porch, sipping coffee and talking ::
:: watching these two sweet girls Irish dance together! ::
(Kendall Kate is my namesake :)
:: watching the older kids with the younger kids :: 
:: can't say how much it blessed my heart!! ::
:: more make-overs ::
:: I want chickens in my backyard! ::
:: basketball games for the boys ::
:: sleep-overs in the camper for the older kids ::
:: swimming, movies, and date-night for the adults ::
:: glorious country-sunsets :: 

Thank you dear Father for the safety you gave us, the sweet fellowship, 
Your beautiful, diverse world,
and friendships that enrich our lives. 
How blessed we are, beyond measure.