Wednesday, June 23, 2010

For the Record

Ellie and Drew had their piano recital weekend before last.
It was such a special time, that I felt I had to document it.
Nannie and Poppy & John and Heidi were all in attendance.
Eight of the eleven kids pictured above are in our church!
Wesley, one of Drew's dear friends, and Morgan, one
of Ellie's, both played. . . They are a talented bunch!
Drew played the theme song from the Indiana Jones movie.
He and I also played a duet of the well known patriotic song, "America."
What a JOY that was. . . I will always remember moments such as this!
We were all so impressed by his stage presence!!
Ellie played a song entitled "Jocularity" by Ladukhin.
She also played an arrangement of "Somewhere over the Rainbow."
That was especially sentimental as I played, I believe, the same
exact arrangement at a recital when I was her age. . .
O how very proud of both of them we are!!
They have improved SO much the past years
under their wonderful teacher,
and have become quite the accomplished musicians!
We are excited to add Abby to the mix this coming year.
Music is such a joyful part of our family life.
We want to do all we can to foster the kids' love for it!!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures of a great event! So happy you are learning to play the piano and that you can do duets as a family. So neat. Will hear the concert when you come to our house. lv u, numnum


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