We were headed out the door for evening church and I asked, "Whit, do you want your blanket?" In a very exasperated tone she responded, "NO, I'm NOT going to suck my thumb anymore. . . I'm giving my blankie to Chasey!"
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
A Few More Whit Quotes
Family Journal
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Random Summer Musings
I started piecing a new quilt. I've decided, since I have enough material, I'm going to make two twin quilts for the boys' bunk beads. How I'd love to get them done this summer. I love looking at material and mixing colors!! Not having to school has made a HUGE difference to have time to do the "extra" activity. A very needed break.
Whit: "I made this for you because I thought you would like it."
My verse for the week "Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly." Proverb 14: 24
Ellie has started enjoying my very favorite childhood books by Janette Oke. I have LOVED talking with her about the stories and characters.
Abby: "I thought rather than getting money for my tooth, I'd like to go on a bike ride with daddy because I really don't like money."
Our friend Lindsay to Whitney, "I like your bathing suit. Where did your mom get it?" Whit, "Mmm, taco bell."
Last week at 3 a.m. Jessie confronted a wayward skunk in our back yard. Real fun for dad to chase her back inside with a mop. . . Jessie did NOT want that creature to get away. Thankfully, she just got "stomped" at and not sprayed :)
Toby to Whitney while playing, "What kind of ice cream would you like?" Whit, "Mmmm, Coffee, with no onions and no cheese." (I think she has her genres of food mixed up :)
We spent from 10 until 4 at the beach last Tuesday. . . the kids has SO much fun. We came home to realize all the places we had forgotten to put sun-screen!!
Ellie has discovered the joy of cooking on her own. . . Perhaps a sign of what is to come? Peanut butter balls dipped in chocolate! Mmmmm. . .
I spent 13 dollars at the 99 cent store this past week and came home with 2 little toys, Comet, nail polish remover, broccoli, cauliflower, organic spinach, bag of onions, mini bananas, strawberries, regular bananas, and 4 red peppers. . . hmmm, why have I not shopped here before???
I've finally found a series of books that Drew loves. The " Great Illustrated Classics". . . he has also taken up some wood modeling lately. Gotta love Michaels' 1$ craft section!!
Today at church Ellie and Drew became "communing members." They have completed the Communicates Class, met with two of the elders, and today was the culmination. They stood before the congregation, confessed their belief in Jesus, and listened as the congregation received them into this sweet fellowship. What a joy to see my children come to understand what their Savior has done for them and publicly acknowledge their faith. HOW SPECIAL THAT WAS!!!! I am rejoicing in what HE has done and O SO THANKFUL.
Family Journal
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The Reason for Gratitude
"Today is the day for joy, not tomorrow or the day after that or next week. Too often our joy is based on what we hope tomorrow will bring because we don't like what today holds. Oh, there may be nothing terribly wrong with today, but the humdrum routine is wearing, and we are convinced that the next thing on the horizon might spice things up a bit. . . if we cannot-will not-rejoice in today, we are rejecting God's providence. It means that we believe we have better ideas for today than God's plan. It means we don't trust. It means we are rebels. Since everything about our today is "ordered in all things and secure" (2 Samuel 23:5) by our kind , generous, loving God, then no matter what it holds we have cause for rejoicing. . . "
(excerpt taken from JOY-A Godly Woman's adornment
by Lydia Brownback)
"This is the day that the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
Today, dear ones, may you rejoice in your day as you thank your loving, Heavenly Father for His providential, ordered, and secure plan for it!!!
Gratitude List,
Kingdom Business
For the Record
Ellie and Drew had their piano recital weekend before last.
It was such a special time, that I felt I had to document it.
Nannie and Poppy & John and Heidi were all in attendance.
Eight of the eleven kids pictured above are in our church!
Wesley, one of Drew's dear friends, and Morgan, one
of Ellie's, both played. . . They are a talented bunch!
Drew played the theme song from the Indiana Jones movie.
He and I also played a duet of the well known patriotic song, "America."
What a JOY that was. . . I will always remember moments such as this!
We were all so impressed by his stage presence!!
Ellie played a song entitled "Jocularity" by Ladukhin.
She also played an arrangement of "Somewhere over the Rainbow."
That was especially sentimental as I played, I believe, the same
exact arrangement at a recital when I was her age. . .
O how very proud of both of them we are!!
They have improved SO much the past years
under their wonderful teacher,
and have become quite the accomplished musicians!
We are excited to add Abby to the mix this coming year.
Music is such a joyful part of our family life.
We want to do all we can to foster the kids' love for it!!
Family Journal
Friday, June 18, 2010
Sowing the Seed
Since my last post "The Farmer and the Seed," I've been thinking a lot about sowing God's Word into the hearts of my children. So often in my walk with the Lord, I'll start thinking on a certain truth and all of a sudden, it will show itself in all different areas of my life. As the old saying goes, "when it rains it pours. . ." That's how I feel the Holy Spirit often works with me! And boy, when this starts happening I want to listen :) 

After I had posted about sowing seed and started thinking anew on that truth, I was loaned some DVDs by an author named Ginger Plowman. She has written Don't Make Me Count to Three and Wise Words For Moms (which have both been very influential in my parenting and I highly recommend). Her talks reiterated in my mind the urgency to speak God's Word to my children
. . . in everyday life
. . . no matter what
. . . whether I see fruit
. . . or not.
I am to sow seeds of righteousness in them and leave the fruit of righteousness up to the Holy Spirit.
"Sow for yourselves righteousness;
reap steadfast love;
break up your fallow ground,
for it is the time to seek the LORD,
that he may come and rain
righteousness upon you."
Hosea 10:12
My ESV commentary says of these verses, "Sowing that which is right and good brings a harvest of blessing from the Lord. . . God must give the harvest." When we speak the Word to our kids, we are addressing their hearts and not just their actions. This is so very important in parenting.
How practically do you do this? Well, the book of Proverbs certainly is practical. So, I started reading through it again, writing down the verses that I could use in my everyday talk with my children. . . that apply specifically to certain childish behavior. (Wise Words for Moms is a chart, laying out additional verses that you can use when speaking to your kids) And then, lo and behold, I heard that our summer evening series at church is on the proverbs!! All of this, I know, is God's providential, loving hand upon my life, sanctifying and growing me. . . and O, I am so very THANKFUL!! We are not alone in our parenting. He gives wisdom to ALL who ask!
"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God,
who gives generously to all without reproach,
and it will be given him."
James 1:5
Thought I would share a few of the Proverbs I have come across that I've been using, or hope to use, in my everyday talk with my children:
"The wise of heart will receive commandments,
but a babbling fool will com to ruin." (10:8)
"Hatred stirs up strife,
but love covers all offenses." (10:12)
"Whoever heads instruction is on the path of life,
but he who rejects reproof leads others astray." (10:17)
"Like a gold ring in a pig's snout
is a beautiful woman without discretion." (11:22)
"Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise
but a companion of fools will suffer harm." (13:20)
"A soft answer turns away wrath,
but a harsh word stirs up anger." (15:1)
"A glad heart makes a cheerful face." (15:13)
So today, dear friends, may your hearts be glad and your faces cheerful as you sow seeds of righteousness!!
Kingdom Business
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Gratitude list (#92-114)
our home
June gloom
the unknown future
that Nannie and Poppy could be here
swimming pools
that Chasey could come to the beach with me
our health
weekly produce boxes
play dough
the beach
the moon
my brother and his family
that my daughter wants to run w/ me
hand-me-down clothes
God's providence
my mom and dad
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of lights
with whom there is no variation or
shadow due to change."
James 1:17
Gratitude List
Friday, June 11, 2010
Morning at the Mission
This morning we visited California's first Mission church.
~San Dego De Alcala, est. July 16,1769~
21 missions in all, stretch north along the coast.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Nannie and Poppy are here visiting from Georgia!!!
We are so very excited. . .
Their visit is bound to be filled with
lots of sunshine and love :)
Family Journal
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