Friday, January 21, 2011

To Grandmother's House We Go

This morning, we all loaded in the car and headed north~
to Num Num and Papa's house! 
It was pouring rain, but spirits were high~
We stopped at one of the many coffee huts for hot chocolates and mochas.
(It sure ain't cheap stoppin' for hot drinks when you've got a family of seven. . .
but once in a while it sure is a treat!)
We swapped cars in Bellingham. . . 
Num Num and Papa got the grandkids for the afternoon,
and Mom and Dad got precious "time off." 
It was wonderful. The hubby and I had lunch,
and then I got to browse around the quaint town of Fairhaven
while he had a meeting. What a treat!!!
I spent most of my time browsing the new and used bookstores,
and came home with quite a few treasures. 
An early American craft book for the girls, 
a coin collecting book for the boys,
and another organizing book for me! 
I also found a beautiful little book, written for children,
about the lives of a handful of famous musicians. 
It was published in 1911~ ya'll that's 100 years ago!!!
I'm imagining reading it aloud for some "music appreciation."
We came back to Num Num and Papa's for a wonderful dinner,
and then all headed back home~minus Ellie.
She is staying at Grandmother's for the weekend,
much to her delight. . .and also to the delight of her Grandparents. 
Another first for us all! 

1 comment:

  1. L-I-K-E-------well, actually LOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE!!!!!!!! We had a great day and I am glad you did too! We will take good care of her!!!!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!!


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