Monday, January 17, 2011

A Day on the Farm

We had the great blessing of being able to visit a local farm last week.
You all know what a "romantic" view of life in the country I have. . . 
This was a little bit more of a practical taste of the reality 
of farm life in the Northwest. 
Cold, rainy, wet, and muddy.
Regardless, we sure had fun, and once again
I had a hard time narrowing down my pictures!! 
The kids got to see and hold baby lambs. 
The one pictured below was actually born that morning!! 

Loved all the different colored chickens and roosters.
Whites, blacks, golds, and browns.
So lovely. . .
Of course there were eggs to gather. . .
LOTS of dogs to play with~
there must have at least been six or seven of them running around! 
bunnies, pigs, turkeys, and goats.
This little farm had them all! 
Sadly, the little lamb that had been born that morning,
had lost its twin in the birth. 
Abby was so emotional hearing about its death. 
I loved her bright red hat. 
It was so her! 
I wonder what they were talking about. . . 
We headed down the hill and over to the horse pasture. 
Ellie was in heaven.
She said it was the best day of her life :)
She got to ride around the arena by herself
and then a bit later she got to actually ride bareback. . .
Drew spotted a bald eagle in that field across from the road~
sitting in the middle of it.
At the end of the day, one was spotted at the top of a tree. 
We are still so in awe of them, and can't believe it when we see them!! 
The lady on the left is the one who owns the farm. . . 
The horse on the  right is owned by a lady in our church
and she boards her at the farm. Both of these horses were so gentle! 
Lord willing, we will have more opportunities like this in the future.
If we can't live on a farm, the next best things is living close to one
and being able to visit as often as we like!
Ellie hopes to get back soon to practice riding some more. . .
we shall see! 


  1. Great pictures!! I'm glad you had a little reality check before you guys go out and buy a farm!!! I would think if you could go out there regularly that it would be the best of both worlds! ~heidi

  2. Looks like everyone had a great day on the FARM! What a special day and I am so glad you have a friend that can share a day with you from time to time. Good times for the kids - glad Ellie got to ride! lv u all, numnum

  3. Very fun Anna! How great to enjoy God's creation like this with the kids. I especially love to pic of Whitney laughing with her friends:)
    Your a great Mom!!

  4. I've lived here for a while and still am awed by bald eagles :-)
    So glad to see the kids are making good friends here.

  5. Jeremy said it was the best day of his life too! How funny. I LOVE that pic of Teagan, Jill and WhiTENNY ;) Please send me a copy if you can. Great post!

  6. that farm is seriously gorgeous! great pics, Anna. my kids wouldn't want to leave ;-) I'd love to be gathering fresh eggs each day. xxxxx, Chrissy


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