Tuesday, May 27, 2014

the homestretch

The homestretch….. that's where we are, presently, in the hitchcrew home. I have to say this year has been different and hard for me. I'm thankful the school year is coming to a close because I am completely limping to the finish line. Summer can't come quick enough for this tired Mama.

I haven't gotten many pictures of the kids just doing school this year…. simply because I haven't had my camera out. Things have been looking up for me, I can tell… because it's out again, and I'm so thankful. I still can't get into a rhythm with this blog but at least I'm throwing some more recent and up-to-date images of life on it!!

Like me, the kids also all have their creative outlets, and I strive to let them create. With all the media competing though, sometimes it's hard to get those juices flowing…. but they eventually do when we keep the on-line "noise" quiet. Ellie of course is still drawing her heart out. It was teacher appreciation week a couple of weeks back and she decided she wanted to draw her P.E. teacher a super-bowl pic, per his request. It was pretty darn cool!!

Drew has been quite taken still with Legos. He has built an unlikely relationship with my first cousin's son, Houston, who lives back east …. they saw each other last month in Augusta when Drew went with his dad to the Master's golf tournament. Houston is constantly inspiring him in these lego efforts! Lately, Drew has been custom painting his own characters.

All of the kids are still madly making rainbow loom bracelets, though I don't think I included any of those images in these pictures. I woke up the other morning and when I looked in the girl's room, all three younger kids were listening to the audio book Trumpet of the Swan while working on bracelets! It melted my heart:) Also, the pearler beads have recently made a come-back, thanks to a recent gift from our friends from San Diego who came to visit.

Abby has been quite taken with audio books lately since we recently discovered an app called "Overdrive." It's a pretty wonderful thing to be able to get audio books directly from our library to our devices here at home. She listened to the first two Harry Potter books in less than a week! They are all waiting anxiously for the third one to be available from the library.

We've had our last days of co-op and CBS. Our last piano lesson is tomorrow and then we have a recital Friday night. Ellie will finish driver's ed this week. She actually drove me home from church last Sunday. I can't fathom that. Drew has been asked to play in an all-star lacrosse game this Saturday… so I guess we'll have one more Saturday of games. Ellie has a few more weeks of school.

Summer…. come quickly!!

1 comment:

  1. Watching you persevere through this year has been an encouragement to me. Not only that but also, watching you flex and adjust as needed, being willing to change things up to better fit the needs of your family. It's exciting to see you inspired for photography and blogging once again! :)


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