Monday, May 5, 2014


This school year we have had a WONDERFUL young lady frequent our home each Wednesday. All four younger children are taking piano lessons from her every other week. I have been thrilled at their progress and am so thankful that music has been filling our home once again this year. 

I took piano from about 2nd grade through my senior year in high school. I was taught to read music, and that's about it. My theory was never that good, and usually I had no idea what key I was playing in. Reading a chord sheet or playing by ear? never. 

This lovely lady has been teaching Abby and Drew to do just that…. and I am amazed at what I've been hearing a seeing from them!! And they are learning to play on my grandparent's old Steinway …. and that fact makes it all the more exciting for me. Presently, they are each preparing for an end of the year recital, later this month!! 

1 comment:

  1. I love how Jessie stations herself faithfully under the bench.


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