Saturday, May 10, 2014

capturing life


I've been using my DSLR camera once again….. can you tell? For my birthday, I took another class through The Define School called Auto to Manual. I've known for the most part how to shoot manual, but there were some holes in my understanding. This class was so helpful. It tied up loose strings in my mind and actually helped me to understand my camera's settings better than I ever have before. My confidence has been boosted and my desire to capture real life has been renewed. 

Soooo, here ya go. I want to document my family's life because I forget VERY easily. I want to stay connected with my family in San Diego, in Georgia, and in Lynden and I want them to feel connected. Taking pictures is my creative outlet and my gift to my dear family… and I guess to myself. One day, I'll look back on all of these posts and remember. The images will bring me back to this time and remind me of God's faithfulness throughout the years. 

This past week, my kids found their baby books. As they were looking through, Whitney picked up her's and guess what? It was for the most past blank. She mentioned to me that the other kids had some other albums as well, but her's was empty. When I told her that all of her pictures were on the computer, she actually had no idea. Talk about making a Mama's heart SAD!! We quickly went over to the computer and I began to show her all the pictures I had taken of her. We began choosing pictures to have printed out at Costco to fill her baby books. It's been so cute watching her decide which ones she wants as she looks back on her short life. I'm so very thankful to have these memories for her. 

We will have quite the summer project working on her albums!! 

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for actually jumping right on that getting her some pictures! :)


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