Wednesday, January 4, 2012

new year's week

We went up to Lynden this past Monday, on the pastor's day off. 
So fun that we can hop into the car and have little "family get-aways" every now and then.
We had not been to Num Num and Papa's for the Christmas holiday,
so had not had a chance to see the house all decked out in it's holiday gear. 
Thankfully, Num Num had left it all up..... so we got to enjoy it's beauty,
 along with some sweet fellowship,
a country walk, some bb gun shooting, and dinner out.
I got a new camera lens for Christmas. (that I adore!)
I love how the pictures, especially in the low light, are turning out! 
O.... and I love the country. (If you haven't noticed yet :)

We started school this week..... much to everyone's disappointment. 
We've had a much needed two week vacation (from school, that is)
.... with many movies, coffee dates, jammy days, shopping days with the girls, 
and just lots of unplanned, do what we feel like days. 
It's been good and necessary, but I think getting back into our regular routine is good and needed too. 
I find I'm not as intentional with reading aloud to the children when not in our "school-mode"
and let them have way to much "screen-time." I don't like that, and want to do better. 

The older two had a LONG Latin class yesterday morning. They are progressing!!
It's been raining this week (though today the sun came out..... hurray for the sun!!),
so we've loved cozying up in our living room to listen to our science and history read-alouds. 
We are on to memorizing the 2nd chapter of James.... the older three have 
the first chapter pretty down. I've been so amazed at their retention! I'm trying to keep up with them. 
We are reading aloud a historical fiction book called Madeline Takes Command
by Ethel C. Brill. It's been a favorite thus far, with the kids often begging me to continue. 

We had piano lessons, the first of the new year, today.... along with Abby's Irish dancing. 
Tomorrow (Friday) we will have our community group here at the house.

On another note, I've been thinking about the new year & reading in blogland
what others are hoping to accomplish. 
I'm not a big fan of new year's resolutions because I never can keep them..... 
or rather I fall behind and give up. The guilt just piles on. 
I know it's good though to think through some goals,
and ways to improve.....  

I'm so thankful for God's grace,
that our Salvation is not dependent on how well we keep His commands. 
I would never in a million years make it. Nobody would.
JESUS..... He has kept the perfect record for me, and taken the punishment for my sin. 

I'm also so thankful for His Spirit dwelling in me. 
I am not alone.  
That, in itself, is such a HUGE sign of His sweet grace in my life. 
I CANNOT be loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, and self-controlled
by my own will or strength. The Spirit IS those things, 
and will bear that fruit in my life if I let Him. 
That is grace.
Thank you Lord. 

He daily lavishes grace on me. 
I so badly want to give it to my children. 
.....pour it on them.
I want their little hearts to be softened and gripped by God's grace
and what He has done for them. 

Perhaps that should be my year's goal..... 

I know I can't accomplish this goal on my own. 
How I need the Holy Spirit to help me!
I know that.....
I am going to be impatient with their childish behavior.
I am going to yell and get angry. 
I am going to sin against them and have to apologize. 

SO, in light of these facts, perhaps my 2nd goal of the year 
should be to 
to accomplish what I cannot.

....'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.'
 Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power 
of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:8,9


  1. it seems like toby might shoot his eye out! isn't he just a baby? i guess not anymore since he's lost a tooth now....oh how they grow!!

  2. Jonathan loved the shooting photos. He said it brought back childhood memories. :)

    I like your goals for 2012. I need to give more grace to my kids as well.

  3. Amen!! Great pics and thoughts!

  4. THANKS for coming up to the country! We loved it and love you all! Amazed at God's great grace to each of us, oh may we all lean on HIM! Thanks for your words of wisdom. With my love, nwmom

  5. step aside, boba fett-- beothan now dreams of being toby in the country with a bb gun!!!


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