Tuesday, December 27, 2011

christmas festivities

 We had a joyous celebration on Sunday! 
.... with sweet family near and far (thanks to modern technology!!)
Abby got to do an Irish jig for her great-grandpa Pop, while he watched
from a computer in Georgia! Now that's amazing. 

We had a wonderful morning worship with our local church body. 
The children got to open their stocking before the service, along with gifts from their cousin. 
We saved the rest for afterwards, and then Num Num, Papa, and Auntie Tricia
came over for a Mexican lunch (which may become a new tradition!), 
musical crackers (directed by Auntie!), gifts (which they lavished upon us!),  
and lots of laughter (watching the movie Elf!) 
and play-time (legos, play-dough, dolls, baseball, & light bright!). 

We trust that you all had very merry Christmas festivities as well!
Many, many blessings to you dear ones. 


  1. i'm wondering what the heck auntie was leading there with those musical crackers???? i've never heard of such a thing! is there a video of this ruckus???? i can tell ellie really enjoyed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sounds like a nice day...it was fun to see that jig all the way in GA.
    ~aunt heidi

  2. ...and what's the story with the beautiful cookies?

  3. Love all of you precious children! Beautiful pictures, Anna. We had a great time and it was soooooo much fun to be in your home again. God is good. We are really enjoying this season of our lives. Love to all of you, numnum and Papa!

  4. yes.... the musical crackers were very COOL! I had never seen such a thing either. Each person had a different number and a whistle that corresponded, each playing a different note. Auntie directed songs by pointing to particular numbers (and in turn the correct notes)! Quite fun. And the beautiful cookies were made by friends of Num Num and Papa's in Lynden....


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