Friday, November 4, 2011

the pumpkin patch

The weeks are flying by. It seemed I blinked and it was Friday once again.
Sad to say, I have not picked up my camera ONCE this whole week.
.... hence, no "this moment."
It's been one of those weeks for me .... challenging and sanctifying.
It seems I turned into a taxi driver,
and driving all around town with my crew simply stresses me out.
I'm a home-body and when I have to go a lot it's hard. 
The kids were all happy when they heard we had NOTHING planned today! 
Ellie declared she was going to bake..... that's her stress reliever.
The three littles declared they wanted to have a tea party.
.... so out came Mama Hatcher's china.
And Drew seemingly disappeared for the afternoon,
I believe he's reading the Harry Potter books for the second time!
Days like this are needed and good.

And I ..... got to finally sit down at the computer and catch up a little. 
I've been meaning to post about our trip to the pumpkin patch which took place LAST Friday.
We met up with another family on a cold, not quite yet rainy, morning.  
(We did get a couple of good shots of the crew. Have yet to decide
if we are going to use one of them for our yearly update, so I didn't want to post them yet..... 
above is where they posed though! Quite a contrast in Toby's face above and below :)
 Watching a "pig show" and a tractor ride
:: to the corn maze for the olders
and the pumpkin patch for the youngers ::
were on the morning's agenda....
Finding the perfect pumpkin....can't believe its been a year since we did this!
A few of the pictures at the top of my blog were taken last year
.... at this same farm.
Fall is DEFINITELY here! It's been so odd to feel cold in October.
Occasionally I catch myself wondering why the weather is like this....
and then remember it's suppose to be!
 I guess it's gonna take a while after living
in Southern California for 11 1/2 years to get use to it!! 
Can't get my boys out of summer clothes.
I freeze just looking at them, though they claim to be fine.
Whit has been begging for flip-flops since her summer ones were trashed ..... hmmmm
guess it's gonna take a while for the kids to get use to this climate too :)

Lord willing, I'll get my camera out this next week and have
a bit more to share with you!

Blessings to you dear ones.


  1. Toby has such a great smile! I wish I could get my oldest to smile for photos. I had a retake done of his school photo since in the first one he was gritting his teeth!

  2. i was waiting and waiting to see the patch! it is a stark contrast to socal!! after rain all day yesterday and cold temps, i think i like my socal!! it's a treat to have those days every once in awhile and then have our sun back!!

  3. Fall, fall, fall is upon us! I love the beautiful leaves and just the brisk days! So glad you got to the pumpkin patch again. Lv u all! numnum


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