Ann Voskamp had a wonderful post on her site today about thanksgiving.
I confess, I haven't been "feeling" too thankful lately, and am afraid part of the reason
is that I have been out of the habit of SAYING thank-you
for the ENDLESS blessings my Heavenly Father has lavished on me.
I'm thankful for her web-site because over and over, she reminds me
how beneficial this is in one's life. She has a "free printable" at the bottom of
today's post (which I quickly printed out) that says:
So, I'm counting on....
beautiful fall leaves and
lovely fall walks
children playing sweetly together
smiles and

playing with the sunlight and
the joy of taking pictures
glasses for #3 and
how they seem to be helping her
the giggles of #4
hard days
my growth and sanctification
warm beds
the way he loves me
the way HE loves me
Wednesday classes
piano lessons and
hearing Christmas carols be played
worshipping with the body of Christ
the book of James
used book stores
"coffee dates" with my girls
end-of-the season soccer party
shopping with the fam. at Old Navy.... and the "family discount!!"
play dates with new friends
long talks with #1
snuggles with the littles
a mommy/daddy date with just the boys.... and Dick's burgers :)
movie nights with my man
nights on the town with him and
in-house babysitting
faithful preaching of the Word
Thanks for your sweet blog, again! I needed that, "keep calm, and count on..." love you, Anna....nwmom