Friday, November 25, 2011

our first snow & #3's new glasses

It was one week ago tonight that we had our first snow.
The children woke up last Saturday morning to a blanket of white. 
It's like Christmas. 
They come yellin' into our bedroom, "come look," "come look."
The snow fell the night before, and we woke up to a crisp, clear day. 
Later in the afternoon the kids, along with some neighborhood children,
built Mr. Snowman.
Isn't he cute?
I was sitting down at the computer to post about Thanksgiving,
and realized I have some adorable pictures to share!
Cute snowman but even cuter kids :)
So.... this is a "catch-up" post. 
 :: SNOW & #3's NEW glasses ::
(FYI: The glasses are so Abby..... and when I see her without them, she just doesn't
seem completely dressed! You should have seen her picking them out. ADORABLE.
I've never seen a little girl so excited about getting eye-wear!! And if you haven't noticed,
she is all about blue.... NOT pink!!)


  1. These are AWESOME! I can't wait for my first snow of the year. And Abby's glasses look awesome! luv, Auntie

  2. it can't be too cold, no one is wearing a coat!!!!


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