Sunday, February 20, 2011


I mentioned that earlier this week, my three little ones made a big bed
and slept in the play-room one night. 
The pictures were so sweet, I wanted to document them! 
While I'm talking about sleep, I might as well also document
the song that I sing nearly every night to Whitney.
Not sure if this is the correct title, 
(I learned the song in college at a camp I worked at one summer)
but she calls it "Day is Done."

Day is done, gone the sun,
but we need not fear.
Darkness comes that we may see
the stars and know that God is near.

Greater light, rules the day,
lesser rules the night.
Sun or moon it doesn't matter,
we are always in His sight.

Greater love has no man,
than our Savior's love.
Jesus came to give His life,
that we may know our God above. 

In the name of Jesus,
we sing this lullaby.
We may have to say good-night,
but never have to say good-bye. 

May your Lord's day be sweet and filled with lots of rest.


  1. Sweet pictures, lv u nwmom

  2. Such sweet photos & what a great song. We sing This is the Day that the Lord has Made at the breakfast table, but I'd love to close the day with a little song or rhyme too.


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