Thursday, February 24, 2011

Out My Front Window

I mentioned in my last post how this past Monday was so nice
that we decided to take off for a winter hike.....
Well I was thankful, because come Tuesday, we were having true winter weather.
It has snowed and sleeted and rained off and on the past three days.
And its been wonderful. I love all the windows in our rental house. 
One of my favorite things to do each morning is to come downstairs,
and open all the blinds in the back to bring in the light and
see which birdies are visiting our feeders.
It makes me happy! 
The front of our house has a very large picture window as well.
Because we moved here in the fall, I'm not sure what to expect this spring.
Love looking for the promise, on the trees, that it is around the corner. 
It will be like "Christmas in April".....or is it May?
as we watch all these little buds opening with new life.
Still don't know what types of fruit trees we have in the back.....
time will tell.
I love it when it rains and then the sun pops out.
Finding little bits of beauty ~ even rain drops reflecting the light~
make my heart rejoice and praise the Creator. 
Although the weather has been freezing as far as I'm concerned
(I like viewing things from the window.....)
the children have not skipped a beat playing outside. 
In fact, earlier this week, the three olders decided that they wanted 
to use some of their own money to purchase skooters like Whit and Toby. 
I have had a blast watching them from the front window......
racing up and down our street,
praying that the Lord will protect them!! 
The pastor took these pictures because I didn't want to go out in the cold.
You can see me directing from the picture window :)
You also get a lovely view of the two "lion statues"..... guarding our house.
I could do without those!
Our road is very quiet, with very few cars on it.
The olders do such a good job of looking out for the little ones,
yelling down the street when a car comes. 
I still would like to purchase some of those "children at play" signs.
Not sure how effective they would be, but I think having them out would make me feel better. 
Since these pics, I have convinced Whit to wear her helmet
when she's a princess one for crying out loud! 
The pastor reminds me how we didn't even know what helmets were when 
we were this age.....riding our bikes and skateboards without the slightest care. 
Times sure have changed since we were kids, haven't they? 
I will say, they all DO wear their helmets when don't worry :)


  1. I think its SO cool how much your kids play together and imagine. You've nurtured such a loving environment. Its definitely makes my day when I see Cami and Noah really having fun together.

  2. On you mark, get set, GO - Cute picture of the five together; great scooters! lv u all, nwmom


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