Mondays are the pastor's day off, and therefore quite often turn into family days.
We decided, since it was the third day in a row of no rain,
to go on a hike at Deception Pass.
It was the first time, since moving to the Northwest,
that we've done anything like this.....
and O what a joy it was.
I've decided that the woods are one of my very favorite places.
Not sure if its just these Northwest woods, or if I would feel the same about any other.
Regardless, the clean forest smell, the vast "treasure hunt" for beauty....
it does my heart good.
I hope to make this type of outing a regular occurrence for our family
and continue to foster a love for nature study!
The pastor spotted the tree (pictured below) with the crazy fungus growing on it.
Here's an example of something we need to look up in a nature book
in order to correctly identify it!!!
We hiked down to the beach, hung out there just a bit and then headed on.
While we were on the beach, we saw a spectacular sight.
An eagle (pictured below) came soaring in ~ quite low,
landed on a tree very close to us, and then took off after a few moments.
It was so awesome and the kids were going crazy!!!!
Of course on the beach, they all collected rocks and drift wood......
a number of which unfortunately went into my camera bag.
It's hard for me to say "no" to their little treasures.

I couldn't believe how big the base of the tree that Drew is posing next to was.
The picture below, on the left, is the top of that tree.
I've told the children that this spring/summer,
we are going to make it our goal to identify and know trees.
As a family, we've become pretty good at identifying birds,
but I am pathetic in other areas. I figure if we can focus
on different things in nature~ each season,
we'll have better success.'s trees this spring!!!
I have learned~ over the years~ in our nature journaling exercises,
that it's extremely helpful if I have a basic knowledge of what we are identifying :)
It's challenging for me because I have never been well taught in this area......
although books drawn/painted by "naturalists" are so very appealing to me.
It's an area that I want desperately to grow in.
Birds have been easy because of all the wonderful bird books we have.
I am more insecure in other areas, such as trees, fungus, and wild flowers....
This is one thing that I have loved about homeschooling~
:: the opportunity for me to learn with my kids ::
I'm hoping to use my camera a lot this spring and summer.
Take pictures like I did in this post, bring them home, and use the internet and
nature guides to identify God's creation that I don't know.
O the beauty of discovery!!!