Sunday, July 18, 2010

Let Your Kingdom Come

Your glorious cause, O God, engages our hearts.
May Jesus Christ be known wherever we are.
We ask not for ourselves, but for Your renown.
The cross has saved us so we pray, Your kingdom come.

Let Your kingdom come,
let Your will be done so that everyone might know Your Name.
Let Your song be heard everywhere on earth,
till Your sovereign work on earth is done.
Let Your kingdom come.

Give us Your strength, O God, and courage to speak.
Perform Your wondrous deeds through those who are weak.
Lord, use us as You want, whatever the test.
By grace we'll preach Your gospel till our dying breath.
(Bog Kauflin, copy-right- 2006 Sovereign Grace)

We sang this song at church this a.m. . . It is very meaningful to me considering how the Lord is growing our family at this time. I love the words and the TRUTH that life is bigger than what is around us. I pray that we will all have "eternal perspectives" and grow to a deeper understanding about what that means. We, the Church - Christ's bride- are to be. . .

"Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven."
Matthew 6: 10,11


  1. Our dear Anna and company! Oh, how true that we are working on that "Kingdom come" and it is a daily process! And we want HIS will to be done! I am so thankful we have a FATHER who works out the details of our lives and we are not left on our own. Know that you all are continually in our thoughts and prayers. we love you all, NW mom

  2. The second sentence of the last paragraph is so meaningful to me: "perform your wondrous deeds through those who are weak." I think so often I don't feel as strong as others around me, but I just need to remember it isn't me who is doing the work. Its God (through me)!

    God is doing so much with your beautiful family! We are so excited for you and especially the new church you all are going to. They will truly be blessed!


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