Monday, July 5, 2010

Gratitude List (#115-142)

"Sing the glory of his name; give to him glorious praise!" Psalm 66:2

good old-fashioned Coca-cola
beautiful California days
safe travel across the country and back
play dates
sleep overs with friends and family
family movie nights
alone time
reconnecting with old friends
willing family and friends who watch my children
fireworks from our back yard
friends willing to take all 5 to see Toy Story 3
egg burritos
sitting in jacuzzis with friends
children laughing and playing in the swimming pool
watching cousin Chase
vanilla lattes from Starbucks
11 little 3 and 4 year olds in my Sunday school class
homemade chocolate chip cookies
friends who come and go. . . who enrich our life
lunch at the Club
shopping alone with my dear hubby
lazy mornings, sipping coffee and tickling my "babies" in bed
a good book
seeing the Covenant body work
God's perfect plan for our life
chips and salsa
my mom's desire to disciple Ellie and her excitement about it
watching my garden grow
"O my Strength, I will sing praises to you, for you, O God, are my fortress,
the God who shows me steadfast love." Psalm 59:17

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anna! Found you from my bloggy friend Erin's Tiny Twist Creative blog! I point all my bloggers there for Photoshop help. I also have started a Blogger Tutorial on my blog, maybe you'll find some stuff you need there for your blog.

    I use Blogger as a platform and have been blogging for 2 years. If you have any questions, let me know! Thanks! :)

    p.s. Husband and I just celebrated our 15 year anniversary this past June!


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