Saturday, July 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Toby!!

Today my sweet son turned six!! How proud we are of him. We celebrated last night by inviting a few families over for pizza, cupcakes, and ice cream. The kids played on a slip and slide, had water gun wars, and beat up a pinata! When it came time for Toby to open his gifts, to everyone's surprise, we realized he had received ALL water toys. (It has been in the high 90s this week. . . great minds think alike :) . . . 2 slip and slides, a water balloon launcher, two small water guns, and five HUGE ones!!! He absolutely LOVED it though. . . Just imagining the water gun battles ahead with his brother and sisters puts a smile on my face!!

Today was a pretty low-keyed day. The kids all hung out with their neighbor friends while the pastor and I worked around the house. They all tried to stay cool, swimming and playing with the water-hose and slip n slide. Toby had a very FUN day swimming with his buddy Charlie.

Tonight we headed to Chevy's for dinner because Toby requested a "bean and cheese burrito" like I knew he would. He was super embarrassed when the waiters came out singing "happy birthday" with a HUGE sombrero and ice cream sundae for him. At the dinner table dad suggested everyone share what they love about Toby. Some answers were:

his laugh
his blue eyes
that he shares his toys
his hair
his personality
the way he makes me laugh
(he asked me, "Are you going to say you love my chicken legs?" :)
Afterwards, we headed to Toys R Us so he could spend some of his birthday money. I want to share pictures of these fun events, but I'll have to do it next week as we are having some computer troubles. I so wanted to document this day though.
As I think of a verse for Toby, I am reminded of Psalm 1. He memorized it earlier this year with the other children. Here is a part of it:

Blessed is the man
who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
but his delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree
planted by the rivers of water
which brings forth its fruit in its season,
and whose leaf also does not wither.
In whatever he does, he prospers.

Psalm 1:1-3
Thank you dear Father for my precious son Toby. He is Your child!! Thank you for "loaning" him to me for a time. How I treasure every day with him. Would you bless him? Would you help him to grow to be a man of God who loves you and honors you? Protect him from harm Lord. Keep him in your hand. May he grow to delight in Your Word, wanting to hide it in his heart and obey all that it says. May he trust in your Son as his Savior. Help him Lord to understand what You have done for him. In Jesus name, Amen

1 comment:

  1. Sooooo glad Toby had a great birthday! And I too, agree he is a precious boy. I also pray he will grow up to be Godly man and walk with his Savior. Anna, thanks again for sharing with us. love you all, NW mom


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