Friday, May 21, 2010

The Boy and the Gopher

So, I've been inspired to tell a story,
due to the fact that lately I've been reading fables
to my children and because of a happening today. . .
Once upon a time, one warm spring evening,
a sweet family was enjoying their supper outside.
Their attention was drawn to their puppy,
who (looking incredibly like a cat) was about to pounce
on an unsuspecting gopher, popping his
head up for a breath of the fresh air.
As they watched their puppy run back and forth,
between two of the tricky gopher's holes,
Father's irritation grew. Pretty soon, HE was poised
(with a golf club) ready to strike that unsuspecting gopher.
Of course, this was all to no avail. With great frustration,
Father said to his little ones, "I will give twenty dollars
to anyone who KILLS a gopher." (hmmmm. . .)
So, the next day, taking Father's challenge to heart,
the little boy set out in search of a gopher. Mother was a
bit curious that afternoon, when her son came inside
and asked out of the blue, "Mom, what do gopher's eat?"
She responded that she was unsure, and followed him
outside to investigate what had prompted the question. . .
To her disappointment, she found a HUGE
hole in the middle of the yard. When the little boy
was questioned, with tears in his eyes, he said,
"Yes, I dug the hole but ONLY to get a gopher,
and get dollars."

If you challenge a child to an impossible task,
you better be willing to forgive his
irrational behavior while trying to
complete the task. . .


  1. haha, don't you love how they take everything so literally! I guess the gopher is still missing. :-)

  2. Anna!! I'm so inspired! Your blog is beautiful -- and your kids are a hoot! Love the bit about daddy's birthday!! Your pictures are beautiful!! Maybe I'll get mine going again once school's out and we can be blogger friends! LOVE IT!


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