Tuesday, January 15, 2013

catching up

I've been slowing down with the blog for the last month .... and to my dear mom
and mother-in-law specifically, I apologize!! I posted pretty regularly for the first two
years ~ 2-3 times a week. Times are always changing, and for whatever reason
this is a season that has been different for me in regard to this journal. I'm still
trying to figure out how it will look in the future, and what works for me to document our life. 
I'm not quitting, so don't worry!! I just may not be posting as much, that's all. 

I've been posting regularly on Instagram, taking phone pictures. Since I often carry my phone in my
back pocket, it is so convenient! And it's easy to post from there to Facebook,
so you may have already seen some of these pictures. Just thought if would be
nice to share a bit of our December, as I've shared nothing about our Christmas this year! 
A bit of snow-fall always brightens these dreary months! 
In the post before this, I shared that the kids had made a tent in the backyard.... 
love it when they love on each other and enjoy one another!! 
We had a lot of little "elves" this year. Another thing I love to see:
Creative minds working and wanting to GIVE to each other. 
A bit of our Christmas flare .... we enjoyed having a number of families from church
into our home this Season, including an open-house for our whole church body. 
.... and of course lots of entertaining means lots of prepping. 
Good thing I still have a couple of willing helpers!! 
We drank so much coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and home-made late's this Season!! 
And I got to enjoy some one on one time with the children. 
 These were taken Christmas Eve. Ellie sung in her first choir, which was so very lovely. 
And sweet Abby left out goodies and a note for "Santa!" 
The children all received hats for Christmas .... the animal ones,
and Abby also received some which were a bit fancier. My, she has color. 
O, sweet, sweet sisters. 
I love it when they show affection for each other.
It warms my heart. 

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy seeing you pictures! Looks like you all had a lovely Christmas season.


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