Friday, January 18, 2013

beautiful light

I mentioned in the last post that I am taking a photography course on-line.
... So, you can only imagine how THRILLED I was at the weather this week.
Untypical of the winter in the Northwest, we had three, perfectly clear days! 
We got out a number of times to take walks. On this particular evening as we were walking,
we passed, what I thought would be, the most perfect place to take some pictures
.... and put into practice some of the advice that I've been getting from the fabulous 

An empty corner lot, with direct sunlight from the setting sun, simply beckoned me. 
I quickly rushed home to grab my camera (and some children), and jumped into the car
to get back to the field before the sun set (which here is about 4:30!) 
They all willingly came and donned their Christmas animal hats .....
least you think I forced them :)

Very spontaneous!! 

Boy, we had to be quick .... And getting good pictures in manual,
under the pressure of the setting sun,
is SO hard.

My hat goes off to all you photographers out there! I have much to learn. 
So, so thankful for the opportunity to grow and be challenged!! 

1 comment:

  1. I love those animal hats!!
    My boys aren't interested even though I keep offering to buy those type of hats for them. :)
    I remember when we were in Victoria (November)and I was taking a lot of outdoor photos, I had to remember that past 4 pm I couldn't take any more! I'm glad the days are getting longer, though.


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