Tuesday, April 3, 2012

san diego pics & {gratitude list #783- #817}

5 days with my sweet niece and nephew
hugs from chase
walks to the park and library with her
the sun, o the sun
flip-flops and capris
time to be still
 prayer walks
late nights with baby Beck
pizza and shopping with a dear friend
the ocean breeze
laughter at the park
time to catch up and just be together
time to watch Downton Abbey
sweet conversation
a birthday dinner with the girls.... and fish tacos
coming home & 
another birthday dinner at the Olive Garden with my crew
little-bitty toes and fingers
sleeping, once again, with a baby
baby bjorns ..... (o my, can I just bring him home???)
good immune systems
weekly worship and communion
my new vintage type-writer :)
"date night" to see the Hunger Games w/ the pastor and #1 & #2
dear friends who invite my children over for play dates
a glorious San Diego day in Seattle
a walk w/ #1
shopping for shoes w/ my girls after a HARD day &
coming home to a CLEAN house, thanks to my dear boys
my faithful husband
my precious children
my adorable niece and nephew
my dear mom.... who celebrated her birthday this week

I thank you Lord

1 comment:

  1. Anna...so happy you went to SanDiego to help and spend time with your growing Hatcher family! Looks like all is well! Glad to have you home, too! Lv u, nwmom


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