Tuesday, April 24, 2012

life & {gratitude list #818 - #851}

So, yesterday found sweet Abby Jane in the doctor's office,
getting her second broken bone casted ..... and one week before our big
vacation to San Diego. She was so sad.

She fell really hard off a bike Friday night. 
We were hopeful that it had just been a sprain, and waited out the weekend. 
Ironically, just this time about a year ago, she fell and fractured 
a bone in her left wrist. I felt the same in the Dr.'s office as I did last year.....
like we were crazy people for bringing her in. (NO swelling. NO bruising. And
more than half the time, Abby was moving it like NOTHING was wrong.)
And once again, I was completely shocked when the Doctor came in
and told us it was broken. 

This time, it was a bone in her RIGHT wrist. 
Not so sure how we'll be getting school work done as 
she writes with that hand.... and eats with that hand.... and does
about everything else with that hand. 

The Lord knows though. 
And I truly think Abby was comforted by that. 
I'm so proud of her spirit .... I just pray she will not 
move on to breaking other bones in the years to come!
Her track record is not so good. 

The doctor said she could continue dancing..... just no swimming. 
SUCH a bummer for her as that is what she was so excited about
being able to do on vacation. 
I reminded her that she was just going to have
lots and lots of time to help her Aunt with her new baby cousin!!

Would you pray for my sweet girl? 
.... that the Lord would use this trial in her life to grow her,
to make her more compassionate toward others in their pain,
to slow her down and enjoy just "being" and not "doing",
to TRUST in God's sovereign, GOOD plan for her life. 
So hard for a very active nine year old.

Despite the pain and disappointment, our list of thanks goes on:

doctors trained to treat broken bones
that the break was small

a sunny walk to remember God's promises
His mercies, new every morning
a coffee date with #4 and #5
#5's desire to include her brother on HER date
a CLEAN and trimmed puppy
the joy she brings our family
walks with the family
soaking up the glorious sun
all those dandelions! 
healthy bodies
the Northwest daffodil and tulip season 
God's creativity! 
sibling companionship
the sun .... and the rain ..... and the fog .... and the mist
refreshing time in the country
BEAUTIFUL snow-peaked mountains
watching my kids grow into young men and women
witnessing a covenant baptism
new friends in our home
planning for next year
my sweet, sweet man and
his unconditional love for me!!
snuggles in the morning
witnessing a marriage
listening to #4 read better and better
reading to the crew
web chatting with cousins
anticipating seeing their adorable faces again!
joy in the morning

our memory work:

"Who is wise and understanding among you? 
By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom.
But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. 
This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, 
but is earthly, unspiritual, dominic. 
For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.
But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason,
full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. 
And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace
by those who make peace."

James 3:13-18


  1. Soooooo sorry Abby! Happily you can still go to SD! You WILL have a fun time, we are sure. Nice pictures of every one. Lv u, numnum

  2. Wow, I will most certainly be praying for Abby. :( I'm glad I checked in here.


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