Tuesday, September 20, 2011

fruit from the garden

I will say, we had a pretty successful garden this past summer.... 
at least for my first go of it in the northwest.
(And considering, I don't have a green thumb :)
We planted: bush & pole beans, yellow crook-neck squash, zucchini, kale, red and yellow beets, chard, broccoli, cauliflower, mixed lettuce, and spinach.   
It is such a fun activity to do with the kids,
and there is nothing more rewarding than eating veggies from your own garden!! 
You can pretty much see what was a success!! 
More Kale than we could eat..... we actually baked some in the oven and made Kale chips. 
All the leafy veggies did wonderful. 
The zucchini got way too large and came quite a bit before the squash. 
I used it often in spaghetti dishes. Not a big hit with the kids
for how much space the plants take up in the garden. 
The squash and beans did okay, though didn't start bearing fruit until it
warmed up the last weeks in August..... 
and even then, not many beans. I don't think they had enough sun or heat. 
The kids continue to LOVE beets! I loved the broccoli.
The cauliflower was a flop. I must have done something wrong...
The plants got really big, but no fruit. Any tips?? 

Next summer, I hope to add green onions, basil, carrots (mainly for fun!)
radishes, and maybe even some pots of tomatoes....
I was too afraid to try them this first time. 

On another note, my "wild flower garden" turned into a "weed garden" :)
Not quite sure what I did wrong there.... all of the hoped for plants
were from seed, but must not have sprouted! 
(Though we do have an occasional wild flower in the mix of the green mess!)
Part of the problem, was that I didn't want to pull weeds,
as I could not tell them apart from the flowers :) 
My sweet peas, which I always have wanted to grow,
did okay, though I think would have done better in FULL sun. 

Still trying to learn what grows well here. I need good, sturdy plants
that come back yearly and don't need much attention! 
What are your favorite veggies and flowers in your garden?

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