Wednesday, July 27, 2011

celebrating Num Num

We all had a fun time getting ready for Num Num's birthday celebration last Thursday. 
July and August seem to be the crazy birthday months in our family! 
I took off with a yellow and green theme.... and my table seemed to quickly come together.
I've never been one to be very good at party decorating.... but the idea of improving
has appealed to me as of late.
I'm not so creative off the top of my head, but
there sure is so much inspiration in the "blogosphere!"
My table-runner was inspired by one of my favorite bloggers 
and the cucumber jars were inspired from
one of my pinterest pins....
I made Num Num a shutterfly photo book of our 
first year in the Northwest....
and sweet Ellie made her the beautiful candle...
which was also inspired from a DIY project at "Under the Sycamore." 
And of course the pastor found the perfect yellow and green
Dairy Queen cake for Num Num!!
:: The whole evening could not have been sweeter ::


  1. Gorgeous! Very inspiring ;) Happy Birthday, Num Num!

  2. Thank you ALL so much for the birthday celebration! It was a wonderful night and sooooo special to be with you all! I feel so happy to be near you, God has blessed me beyond measure! with my love, numnum. Oh, and my special book has been shared many times already.

  3. Great job on the table! I tried to find you on Pinterest but couldn't. :( I love Pinterest!


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