Saturday, July 23, 2011

camping at the beach

Of course, I have to share some instagrams taken, from the pastor's i-phone,
during our camping trip at Deception Pass....
It was so fun to be camping close to beautiful beaches.
So very different than the San Diego beaches that we are use to,
but so much to appreciate and marvel at. 
We are indeed growing to love this area! 
Collecting drift wood, cool rocks, and crab shells
is becoming a favorite activity.
The kids always come away with "treasures"
after these beach-combing jaunts! 
And you can see that our pup Jessie joined us on this trip.
She did so well and is quite the watch dog....even at our camp-site. 
It was reassuring, though somewhat annoying,
when she would bark in the middle of the night
at a noise she heard close by. 
The pastor said if someone came milling around in the middle
of the night, he would have just let her out the tent to scare the prowler away!
She sure is a nippy little thing, but she is O so very loved :)

1 comment:

  1. Love all the camping pictures! Treasured memories for all! Glad you found a "little" sand! Lv u, nwmom


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