Thursday, June 23, 2011

the reality of farm life

Last week we went on another "field trip."
This time, we went to some friends of ours who have
a mini "chicken farm."
They had just recently gotten baby chicks delivered...
The kids had to think about the harsh reality that these
cute, little chirping birds, were going to be slaughtered
in a number of weeks!
These white chickens were sadly headed to the butchering block
in the next week or two. They kill and clean all these on this property!! 
The kids realized how difficult a job it was 
to simply raise these birds in a clean environment. 
Sara, the owner, said she moved the whole coop twice a day
in order for them to stay clean and eat new grass. 
These brown chickens are egg-producing. . . 
at least they will be soon. 
I'm very excited about the possibility 
of a source for good eggs!! 
These goats are also for meat.....
Sara moves them a couple of times a day too.
Farming is definitely not for the weak or soft-hearted! 
I would LOVE to one day be blessed with some chickens
in my back yard.....
for eggs, that is. Not for meat. 
I'll rely on others, like Sara, for that!!
In a day when it is so rare to know where our food is
coming from and how it has been grown,
how I do appreciate folks like these! 
Thank you!!!


  1. I'm not sure I've ever tried goat meat? I'll have to ask Sara to bring me a sample ;)

  2. Great pictures of your field trip! So happy you are having these different experiences. Your pictures are so neat. lv u, nwm


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