the beginning of summer
clear blue skies
beautiful 70 degree weather
cool rain
wild buttercups
the smell of the forest
wild daisies
beautiful sea-side towns
gorgeous peonies
old barns
old barns
strawberries and spinach from the garden
blueberries, apples, and pears growing in the back-yard
working in the garden
# 2 mowing the grass
feeling the warmth of the sun on a lazy Sunday afternoon
prayer and praise with the church family
a birthday tea-time!
jersey subs
sparkling water with lime
play-dates at the park
an invite for lunch with sweet, sweet people
godly elders and shepherds of the flock
young women willing to disciple our youth
a daughter who knows how to organize.... unlike her mother,
and her willingness to help me!!

godly elders and shepherds of the flock
young women willing to disciple our youth
a daughter who knows how to organize.... unlike her mother,
and her willingness to help me!!
family movie nights
sleep overs
ice-cream sundaes
a new waffle iron and toaster
fellowship with two dear women as our 13 children play!!
a sweet husband who continues to bring me coffee each morning,
who loves me in-spite of my faults,
who showers me with good gifts,
who is slow to speak and slow to become angry,
who sacrificially loves!

who loves me in-spite of my faults,
who showers me with good gifts,
who is slow to speak and slow to become angry,
who sacrificially loves!
a faithful Father who provides all I need,
who's love never fails... no matter what I do,
who showers me with endless grace, mercy, and forgiveness,
who is patient and slow to become angry,
who loved me enough to sacrifice His Son in my place, that I might live!!
who's love never fails... no matter what I do,
who showers me with endless grace, mercy, and forgiveness,
who is patient and slow to become angry,
who loved me enough to sacrifice His Son in my place, that I might live!!
for a break from homeschooling
for #5's excitement to begin kindergarten
good books by Lynn Austin
the anticipation of visitors this summer....
especially my folks and my brother's family!
Please pray for some dear friends of ours who are struggling with cancer.
I feel so helpless when I see other's suffering, but am so thankful I can lift them up to the Lord.
Providentially, two pastors that ministered at the church I grew up in,
are both fighting for their lives.
Jack is still pastoring my childhood church in GA, and is very close to my folks.
Walt is now pastoring a church in S.C.
Would you lift them, their wives, and their families up to the Lord as He brings them to mind?
It is so hard to not see the "big picture" in life.... the "big plan", BUT
I am confident God is using their suffering for His purposes and His glory,
to draw these dear men and their families to a much deeper relationship with Him,
(one that I could never imagine having, unless the Lord chooses to one day take me through the fire!)
along with the local church bodies that they are shepherding.
I know that Jack and Walt believe the same, and that their
confidence is in our faithful and sovereign Heavenly Father.
Life is hard.
But God is good.
We don't understand.
But we trust.
His mercies are new every morning,
and for that,
I am so thankful!
"In him we have obtained an inheritance,
having been predestined according to the purpose of him
who works all things according to the counsel of his will,
so that we who were the first to hope in Christ
might be to the praise of his glory. "
Ephesians 1 :11,12
Please pray for some dear friends of ours who are struggling with cancer.
I feel so helpless when I see other's suffering, but am so thankful I can lift them up to the Lord.
Providentially, two pastors that ministered at the church I grew up in,
are both fighting for their lives.
Jack is still pastoring my childhood church in GA, and is very close to my folks.
Walt is now pastoring a church in S.C.
Would you lift them, their wives, and their families up to the Lord as He brings them to mind?
It is so hard to not see the "big picture" in life.... the "big plan", BUT
I am confident God is using their suffering for His purposes and His glory,
to draw these dear men and their families to a much deeper relationship with Him,
(one that I could never imagine having, unless the Lord chooses to one day take me through the fire!)
along with the local church bodies that they are shepherding.
I know that Jack and Walt believe the same, and that their
confidence is in our faithful and sovereign Heavenly Father.
Life is hard.
But God is good.
We don't understand.
But we trust.
His mercies are new every morning,
and for that,
I am so thankful!
"In him we have obtained an inheritance,
having been predestined according to the purpose of him
who works all things according to the counsel of his will,
so that we who were the first to hope in Christ
might be to the praise of his glory. "
Ephesians 1 :11,12
I enjoyed this post. It was a good reminder of so many blessings we get to enjoy day in and day out.
ReplyDeleteI will certainly pray for Jack,Walt and their families.
Thanks for the beautiful post! My favorite is definitely the "grace" red one on the top! They are all great! Oh, what gratitude for the beauty God created for all of us! Lv u, nwm
ReplyDeleteWhere r these blooms from???
Where were the peony photos taken? I have 2 peony bushes blooming now! They are one of my favourite flowers.
ReplyDeleteI need to do the 1000 gifts thing. Such a good cure for discontentment!
These pics were all taken in Lynden in Num Num's backyard. They're pretty, aren't they??