Monday, May 30, 2011

Gratitude List #513 - #563

two lovely days in the country
celebrating the holiday with family
camp fires
hot dogs
crisp, clean air
a "date" with my two boys (starbucks & the park)
the girls' sleepover with Auntie Tricia
bb guns
wild mushrooms
an outdoor playhouse, designed by the kids
warm blankets
coffee brought to me by my dear husband
chinese checkers
holding hands
our freedom
our president and other leaders
those men and women who have given their lives for us
those men and women who are presently serving
those men and women who are far from family
being back with our dear church body
hearing the pastor preach on Ephesians 5 and reminding us to "reflect the glory" in our marriages
40th birthday party with friends
wonderful expresso drinks
princess birthday parties
His nearness, all the time
communion with Him
Christ's bride, the Church
His forgiveness and grace
His constant goodness, shown each moment of my day
family date nights
mexican food at a new mexican restaurant
finding goodies at Old Navy and Target
my daughter's friendship
clothes needed for a new season
BEAUTIFUL spring flowers
a full moon in the country
glorious white clouds against blue skies
horses rolling in the grass
cows and their babies
family walks
wild flowers
a new birdie at our feeder (a golden finch!)
a puppy curled up on a pillow pet
a wonderful husband
the anticipation of date night
smiles and laughter


  1. love that last pic of abs!! can't wait to hear about the girls' sleepover.

  2. Thanks for the reminder of all that we have to be thankful for today!! Love your blog! Hey....lets do coffee some evening, if you have time! =)

  3. I love that rainbow photo. Wow!


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