Monday, May 23, 2011

Canoeing With Poppy

While we were in Georgia,
my dad took each of the four older kids canoeing down the canal.
I would drop them off, and then about an hour and 15 minutes later,
pick them up downstream. 
I will say, I was a little nervy the first time, as I watched 
Dad and Drew paddle away,
but by the time it was Abby's turn I was pretty
confident that all would go well!! 

"I can feel time's current in my blood ease.....meander.
is this what the life experts know?
That in Christ, urgent means slow."
Ann Voskamp ~ One Thousand Gifts

"The earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof,
the world and those who dwell therein,
for he has founded it upon the seas
and established it upon the ricers."
Psalm 24:1

What sweet memories the children will have.
They saw all kinds of wildlife to be recorded
in their nature notebooks....
Thank you Poppy for such a COOL field trip!! 


  1. What wonderful memories with Grandpa! Hey...will you please tell me more about your nature books some time?! Sounds like something I would like the kids to do over the summer!! Cool idea!!

  2. Such fun times! Great pictures. Nwm

  3. i like your pix! how did you change this whole font??

  4. Heidi, I just used blogger's "design template." Evidently they have new fonts/designs than they did when I first started. You can do quite a bit with it. Fun to change things up occasionally so just check it out and play around. They sure make it easy to change!


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