Saturday, April 26, 2014


Toby joined his big brother this winter in playing lacrosse. With five kids, I have a really hard time putting them in different activities that have me running every which way, so this was so perfect. They both were able to play for a local small Christian school, Toby on the 5/6 team and Drew on the 7/8 team. Toby had never played before, except out front with his brother …. so we were all pleasantly surprised at how well he picked up the sport and did with these other boys, especially because he is really only officially in the 3rd grade!! 

Their practices have been three times a week and games on Saturdays. Drew has actually played in most of the 5/6 games with Toby since they were short players this season. This particular game was up in Bellingham. (Here are pictures from last year's game …. same field) Once again, Num Num, Papa, and Tricia were able to join us to cheer them on. It was a really cold, wet day, but the boys did SO well. They both scored, and in fact one of Toby's was assisted by Drew. AND THEN, they were both awarded the team awards by the other team!! So fun. (Drew is number 7, Toby number 9)

And while the boys played on the field… the girls played on the sideline with their daddy. 

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