What a wonderful week this has been ..... in spite of some sickness in our home.
I had decided that for my sanity, we were all going to take a much needed
homeschool break. How thankful I am that we did, as Monday morning Ellie woke
up with a terrible cold. She was able to lay low, reading and painting,
while I was able to "nest" a bit, rearrange the schoolroom, and get things back in order.
I was also able to recover two chairs, and exert a bit of my "crafting energy"....
which had been waaay on the back burner for a very long time.
It did my heart good to focus on the house and be creative.
We had some really hard rainfall this past week, so it made laying low
even more enjoyable. We all read, watched movies, and occasionally went
stir crazy :) ... But for the most part all was good.
Ellie was feeling well enough by Wednesday to make 3 pies:
an apple, a peach, and a pumpkin.
I made Mama Jo's sweet potatoes (a family favorite!)
and also her Thanksgiving cole slaw. I love thinking of her
when I pull out her cookbook and see her handwriting,
guiding me through each recipe. She was such a WONDERFUL cook,
and she always made the holidays so beautiful and special.
How I miss her!
We woke up and headed to Lynden Thursday morning.
Unfortunately, Drew had the cold by then, and Thanksgiving day
was the worse. He was pretty miserable the whole day. Poor guy.
Num Num had things decorated so beautifully when we arrived.
The house was smelling lovely, and the table was all set.....
Here is a taste of our day:
I was also able to recover two chairs, and exert a bit of my "crafting energy"....
which had been waaay on the back burner for a very long time.
It did my heart good to focus on the house and be creative.
We had some really hard rainfall this past week, so it made laying low
even more enjoyable. We all read, watched movies, and occasionally went
stir crazy :) ... But for the most part all was good.
Ellie was feeling well enough by Wednesday to make 3 pies:
an apple, a peach, and a pumpkin.
I made Mama Jo's sweet potatoes (a family favorite!)
and also her Thanksgiving cole slaw. I love thinking of her
when I pull out her cookbook and see her handwriting,
guiding me through each recipe. She was such a WONDERFUL cook,
and she always made the holidays so beautiful and special.
How I miss her!
We woke up and headed to Lynden Thursday morning.
Unfortunately, Drew had the cold by then, and Thanksgiving day
was the worse. He was pretty miserable the whole day. Poor guy.
Num Num had things decorated so beautifully when we arrived.
The house was smelling lovely, and the table was all set.....
Here is a taste of our day:
Before we all started eating, we each read a verse about being thankful
and then shared what we were thankful for.
It was so sweet hearing all the children voice their thankfulness.
I wrote, "I am thankful for the sufficiency of His grace,
and that His power is made perfect in my weakness."
That's been my mantra as of late.
I need His grace so badly, and need to be reminded that I have it.
I so often feel like such a lame wife and mom,
and need to be reminded that He uses my weakness
to make His power perfect.
I am so very thankful for that.
The afternoon was spent coloring, watching movies, napping,
playing games, dressing-up, and eating pie....
Num Num had a friend come by to take our family picture,
which was so nice to document our day.
Another highlight that afternoon was talking to Papa's mother,
and this kids' great-grandmother. It was actually the first time she
had met some of them!

We ended up leaving that night at 8. We had planned to sleep over,
but by then Abby was feeling poorly.
We had a rough car ride home, but thankfully we made it,
got the kids showered, and then into their own beds.
Friday was another low-keyed day .... I spent the whole day on the computer
working on a project. The kids pulled out a puzzle which
consumed much of their time throughout the weekend.
We also web-chatted with my family in Georgia,
and the kids got to talk to Pop, their Great-grandad.
Technology is simply amazing.
I had book club Saturday night and we discussed my favorite book this year,
by Jen Hatmaker, called 7.
A perfect discussion in light of all the upcoming holiday buying.
If you haven't read it, read it!!
It will greatly challenge you, not to mention
the author is hilarious.
Worshiping with the Covenant body this morning was a highlight.
The pastor is preaching through Ruth, which I do believe
is one of my very favorite books of the Bible.
"God never leaves His people to chance .... even in the details."
(My favorite "sound-bite" of the morning:)
I am indeed so very thankful for that.
He knows I am weak.
He knows I get overwhelmed.
He knows I have 5 children.
Who constantly need me.
And that I am so often not patient.
And want to quit.
His grace is sufficient for me and His power is made perfect in my weakness.
Praise the Lord.
This week I want to purpose to be in the Word....
which feeds my soul and gives me strength.
I want to enjoy the moments I have with my kids.
Though the days are loooong, the years are fast.
They will be gone before I know it,
and I don't want to have regrets!!
I want to love my husband well, and be the help-mate
that he needs.
Lord Jesus,
YOU are all I need. Thank you for relentlessly pursuing me.
Thank you for graciously forgiving me.
Give me your joy.
Make my ear inclined to your Word this week, that I may overcome my sin,
and that You may work through me.
Thank you for my dear family. For the joy they bring, and even the struggles they bring.
How they sanctify me.
Use me in the lives of my children, to shepherd their hearts.
May I encourage them. May my sin not be a stumbling block for them.
Use me in my dear husband's life to be the encouragement and help
that he needs.
In Jesus name, Amen
Sweet post! We so enjoyed the day with all of you. I am soooooo thankful we are near and can spend Thanksgiving in the country together! Tried to comment on the thanksgiving moment, but could NOT get it to accept my doings. Thanks Anna, for the great pictures of the day! Lv u, numnum