Wednesday, October 3, 2012

first games of the season

We've got TWO kiddos in soccer this fall!
Toby is playing for the Golden Wolves 
.... his first experience with a team sport. 
We are so proud of our little man! 
He's fast as lightning....
at least when he's in a position that requires him to run. 
This was what he did for much of the first half of the game
while on defense:
Pretty darn cute, if you asked me :)
In this little age group they play quarters,
and in-between each, the coaches give the players little "pep talks":
So, the second half came around and Toby got 
in on a bit of the action.....

 ... and my man actually scored! 
The Golden Wolves were triumphant. 
 Moving on to the Hammerheads. 
Ellie is playing on the same team as last season.
.... seems like their team name should be the Pink Panthers :)
Ellie's not too fond of pink. hmmmmm.

 The Hammerheads did really well and also won their first game!
What a great experience this has been for Ellie.
This group of girls has been wonderful for her to play with,
and we are thankful that she has had a second year
to bond with them.

If you are interested in looking at Ellie's first game last season,
click here!

I CANNOT believe how much older she looks in these pictures.
She's gonna be an adult any second now.
I'm thankful to be able to document these occasions,
and hope that one day my kids will cherish all these
pictures and journal entries.
I know I sure do!! 


  1. Congrats on the goals! A's team won its first game last Saturday. The two previous games were losses. :(

    Great photos, of course. :)

  2. i love all your new goodies at the top of your blog. so very fallish!!


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