Thursday, July 26, 2012

July {a journal of pictures}

The summer is FLYING by. O, how I want it to go S.L.O.W.
It simple doesn't do what I ask! 
Just thought I'd share a few pics of what
we've been up to the past month.... the sun has been out quite a bit
which has been WONDERFUL! The kids are spending 
a lot of time in our front yard under this:
(or actually above it!) Abby and her two friends, Molly and Mattie, 
made a little house underneath this tree.... 
even cutting out a door (much to the pastor's frustration :)
They can climb the ladder and sit on the top of the tree.
SOOO fun and creative, in my opinion!! 

More sweet summer friends.... Charlotte and Bo. 
Bo recently got to spend 2 nights with Toby while his parents were out of town! 
These two little guys have such similar personalities. So fun to watch their friendship grow!
Abby and Charlotte actually have pretty similar personalities too.....
super bubbly and outgoing! Their friendship goes waaaay back (to babies in SD :)

Sweet times for Toby with his far-away family singing him "Happy Birthday" via i-chat. 
Cousin Chase and Aunt Heidi in CA (they even had a cake for him!)
and Nannie and Popi in GA, with their little friend Mercedes (who we've met over the computer!) 

We've headed to the park a number of times this month.....
and lately we've been playing some family basketball! SOOOO fun. 
The pastor and I have a history with basketball, so with our crew
it kind of feels like we are running a camp. ha. 
Drew especially loves it and hopes to maybe play on a team this year! 

And what has my sweet eldest daughter been up too? WELL.... take a guess.
I found her an "art desk" at the thrift store for a whopping 12 dollars,
and it has been THE BEST purchase for her! She'll be in her room
drawing hours on end.... and I can't help but brag about how very talented she is.
At this rate, I imagine soon she will be taking orders :)

I framed and hung the print below in my living room.
I heart kitties.

AND, of course we've been to Num Num and Papa's a time or two this month.
Most recently, we were there to celebrate Num Num's birthday (more pictures to come!)
Also, Auntie Tricia moved into a FABULOUS new home that
we have so enjoyed seeing! Good times.

Other summer happenings:
:: We've joined the local community pool and have been swimming more
the past month than in the past two years combined!! ::
 :: The kids have been attending a VBS this past week at a local
community church which has been wonderful for them. The theme is the Olympics!! ::
 :: And I'm looking forward to the arrival of my folks this next week,
along with two more family birthdays!! ::

O summer, won't you please last FOREVER??


  1. Summer time!!! All the fun is evident from all the sweet smiles! Glad everyone is enjoying the break from school work! Lv to all! Numnum


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