Tuesday, February 14, 2012

happy valentine's day

In honor of Valentine's day,
I thought I'd post some pics of me
and my sweet ones.... whom I adore. 

Last week, we went to the park on a BEAUTIFUL, sunny day. 
I let Ellie have my camera, and she took some of the cutest pictures. 
(Folks, we have a budding photographer on our hands....)

All of the pics below, were taken by her
except of course the last one.....
and I can't remember who took that, 
it was either Toby or Whit....

I'm not in a lot of pictures these days, because I am always the one holding the camera.
But, it looks like things might be changing! 
And I'm so glad. 
I want the kids to have pics of themselves with their Mama :)

I especially love the candid shots.

If only the pastor had been with us. 
Just not enough pics of me.... with the man I love!!! 
Perhaps we will have to have a photo
shoot in the near future, for that sole purpose. 

Lots of Mama love goin' on in these here pics, though. 
Thank you so much sweet Ellie. 
I will cherish these for years to come. 

 Happy Valentine's Day!!


  1. i think it's funny how you're bundled up and the kids all look like it's summer!!

  2. Your a beautiful and fun mom!!!! What special pictures to cherish!!!


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