Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Celebrating Whitney

I just tucked my 5 year old, baby girl into bed,
sang "Day is done, Gone the sun",
"Jesus Loves Me," and one more "Happy Birthday."
Little Whit is growing up fast.... and I want time to slow down. 
What a joy she is to our family, an incredible blessing from the Lord. 
We thought our little family was done after #4,
but God had other plans.... and O how thankful we are that He did! 
The pictures below were taken the year of Whit's birth, 2006, at a beach in San Diego....
and the pictures above were taken this past month
at a beach in the northwest. . . I'm afraid Whit and I both look a bit older :)
My mom has always told me that of the five, Whit most reminds her of me when I was young. 
Whit has definitely inherited my thin, curly blond hair!! 
She was a thumb sucker from the beginning, and unfortunately still is! 
# 4 and # 5 both sucked their thumbs.....I figure because I didn't have time 
to get in their rooms and put a passy in their mouth. It will be interesting
when the time comes to break that habit. 
I confess, I still let her carry her blankie around with her as well...
(hmmmm, mom is having a hard time accepting that there are 
no more babies in the house :) 
The pics below were taken on her first birthday, while visiting Num Num and Papa in the northwest!! 
Whitney was the only one that we didn't give her a name specifically 
because we liked the nick-name we would call her. 
(If you haven't already noticed that pattern in the name-choices of our other children!) 
Not sure why we decided to break tradition.
We just did. 
She was just going to be Whitney. 
(....her middle name being after my dear grandmother)
But, as you know, names take on different forms! 
So, Whitney has become "Whit", "Bit", or "Bitta." 
This pic was taken on her 2nd birthday... we had just come from another northwest
trip, and she was quite enamored with cows!
I decided I had to get her an American Girl "Bitta Baby" for her 2nd b-day,
and on her 3rd b-day, we gave her a matching nightgown....
which she still wears. 
These pics were taken on our Montana vacation,
where we celebrated her 3rd year of life with some of our dearest friends! 
And finally, just last year, Whit celebrated her 4th b-day with her whole
pre-school Sunday school class.... 
if you are interested in walking down memory lane,
you can go here for that birthday celebration. 
The sweet picture on the right was taken around
that same time, with Whit's sweet cousin Chase....
Love the girls' shoes in that pic. You'll notice Whit is wearing my heals,
which she still loves to do. 
For fun, I've posted a few of our very favorite "Whit" videos. 
The first one was taken when she was close to 3, I believe,
and the second was taken this past fall.... enjoy :)

How we love you sweet Whitney, and thank the Lord for your precious life. 
Children, indeed, are a blessing from the Lord! 
YOU are a blessing.
We pray that you will grow to be a godly woman,
beautiful on the inside and out. 
We pray that you will understand and believe what Jesus has done for you,
that you will hide behind Him,
and that He will use you mightily for His kingdom. 
We are believing, and holding fast to, the Lord's covenant promises. 

"As for man, his days are like grass;
he flourishes like a flower of the field;
for the wind passes over it, and it is gone,
and its place knows it no more.
But the steadfast love of the LORD is from everlasting 
to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness
to children's children,
to those who keep his covenant and remember
to do his commandments."
Psalm 103:15-18


  1. Our dear precious "Whity" ..... A happy birthday to YOU! We love you dearly and love walking down memory lane as we see these sweet pictures of you. You are a real LOVE and we cherish that love! Numnum and Papa

  2. I can't imagine our family without Whitney! What a joy she has been from the beginning. Love that girl!!!! luv, Auntie

  3. OH! And thanks for reposting the confession video! I still LOVE that one! Makes me laugh out loud every time! ~Auntie

  4. Happy Birthday to Whitney! Hope she had a fun day!!

  5. Sweet photos! I can't believe she's 5. :) What a cutie. C used to suck his thumb, too. We didn't have to do anything to get him to stop. I think he stopped about a year ago (age 5 or so). I hope you had a fun time at the Childrens museum.

  6. happy, happy birthday, miss whitney! we are so delighted to be among those who get to watch you grow into a lovely young woman of God. may His hand of favor rest upon you, His princess!
    with love from whitney-the-mom :)


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