Monday, March 7, 2011

Recent Thrift Finds

I do love going to the thrift store.....
although lately, I've been giving them more than I've been buying :)
Thrifting seems like a very trendy thing, as of late. 
Repurposing old stuff.
It hasn't been a recent thing for me though.
When we lived in CA, and my dear hubby was going through seminary,
we lived around the corner from an AWESOME thrift store.
~which I frequented once, twice, or even three times weekly~
Most of our house and wardrobe were filled with things from that great store. 
I even learned the stores' color systems and would watch
items that I particularly wanted to be marked 50% off. 
I have yet to find a store that meets the standard that Amvets set,
however here in the Northwest, I've discovered Value Village. 
This past month we've scored some pretty fantastic things.....
Toby has been collecting trains for many years,
playing with them off and on. 
I found at Value Village, a LARGE storage container filled
with wooden tracks (and a number of true "Thomas" tracks, bridge, and station house)
for $4.99. 
I would have bought the container for that much at Wal-mart! 
And isn't it so cool, when you buy your kids something to add to a collection
and it renews their desire to play with it?? 
When I found the train set, we actually had come to the store
specifically looking for a winter coat for Ellie. 
The Lord was SO good, and allowed us to find a 
BRAND NEW winter system (coat and vest) in her size and colors
that same visit. The trains were just a bonus :)
We were in shock as we drove home. 

::I've also recently come home with a wooden rocking chair for Whit
that was made in my childhood era ~ 1981, for $8.
::Randomly picked up a white, wooden child's desk for Abby's birthday
which was 40% off to make it $12.
::Filled Drew's wardrobe with hardly used
Gap and Old Navy t-shirts and workout shorts/pants
~which he was thrilled with~
::And found a number of spring birdies/plates/table decos to brighten up our home-front. 
One man's trash is another man's treasure. 
What goodies have you found lately? 


  1. OOH! I saw Ab's desk when we were down and meant to tell you how cute it was! Awesome! ~auntie

  2. I love thrifting. Amvets is called Valley Thrift store now, but still has the awesome organization that makes it easy to find what you want. That train set is What an awesome find!

  3. Cute! I recently found one of Elyse Fitz's books when I last went to Amvets. And your other fave the Excellent Wife...some other good books. Those are always a treat to me! Can't wait to visit your Value Village!!!

  4. I love thrift stores too!!! God bless thrift stores!!! I just got my boys their baseball cleats at Goodwill. One of them was an almost brand new pair of Nike cleats for $2.99!! Why buy new!?! Lets go together some time!!!

  5. I like your new title bar up top. Nice and springy!


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