Monday, October 11, 2010

A Weekend Project

 The Pastor was gone for a couple of days this past week.
He was accepted into the Northwest Presbytery. 
It was stressful for him because he had to preach at the assembly,
be interviewed by a committee, and then stand on the floor for questioning. 
I always seem to have so much more confidence in his abilities 
than he does in himself.
He passed with flying colors. 
While he was away, I decided to gather material to make this wreath:
I followed a tutorial on a particular blog I love.
I thought it turned out so well! 
I know you might wonder when I have time do do things like this. . . 
I did this in stages, standing in my kitchen while everyone was either 
watching sports or just milling around. 
I've found that keeping my "creative juices" flowing,
is something I so need in order to keep my sanity 
in the midst of our every-day life/routine  :)
Ellie, Abby, and I checked out our new mall on Saturday.
Love that this "girl time" is becoming enjoyable for me! 
They actually like looking at clothes now and "window shopping."
I see the light at the end of the tunnel. . . 
and some sweet days ahead for "girl bonding." 
The pastor preached on Mark 3:31-35 Sunday morning. 
The emphasis was on "building community"
and how families fit into the bigger picture of Covenental life and
Kingdom Business. 

The family is God's design for the foundation of the Church. 

Our Covenant Family is also so important because:
1- It's cause is GREATER than any other cause.
2- It's ties are ETERNAL!
3- It is more satisfying than any other bond. 

In the context of our familial families, we should always be thinking,
"How will this (decision, event, practice, etc) benefit the Kingdom of God". . . 
not just "How will this benefit MY family."

Lord, help me to be sensitive to the needs of those around me,
 to foster in my children a love for their Covenantal church body. 
May our family be a STRONG foundation for Your bride, the Church.


  1. dear Anna - love your project and I see what you mean with pages from the old book. It is really, really nice and i love it. Your's is so neat!!! You will have to help me make one! It would be fun to try to make one with an old hymn book! Glad the time went by quickly with Nathan gone - also, sooooo very thankful to have you guys here and in our Presbytery. Dad is so proud and was sorry he couldn't be there. You are loved!!!! nwm

  2. This is just beautiful. I love seeing the new corners of your home. The school room is beautiful. Love those chairs. :-)


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