Saturday, July 30, 2011

{this moment}....a day late

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A
simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. 
Inspired by Soule Mama

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

celebrating Num Num

We all had a fun time getting ready for Num Num's birthday celebration last Thursday. 
July and August seem to be the crazy birthday months in our family! 
I took off with a yellow and green theme.... and my table seemed to quickly come together.
I've never been one to be very good at party decorating.... but the idea of improving
has appealed to me as of late.
I'm not so creative off the top of my head, but
there sure is so much inspiration in the "blogosphere!"
My table-runner was inspired by one of my favorite bloggers 
and the cucumber jars were inspired from
one of my pinterest pins....
I made Num Num a shutterfly photo book of our 
first year in the Northwest....
and sweet Ellie made her the beautiful candle...
which was also inspired from a DIY project at "Under the Sycamore." 
And of course the pastor found the perfect yellow and green
Dairy Queen cake for Num Num!!
:: The whole evening could not have been sweeter ::

Monday, July 25, 2011

"The Glory of His Name"

We sang this song, in church yesterday, by Nathan Partain....
I loved the words.

Let my whole soul bloom like a morning flower,
spread out my arms to sing my Maker's praise;
and let that sound, a flock of birds, come pouring.
The rivers rise and flood their rocky banks;
the flute o'erflows, the drum o'erflows, the voice o'erflows 
the glory of his name
 Then breaks my soul, a mighty clap of thunder;
the pillars shake, the heav'ns begin to fall;
the mountains split, a world of fear and wonder.
 The dark is day, the forest stripped and bare;
the wise laid low, all might laid low, all thoughts made known
the glory of his name.
Yet in my soul his calm is ever speaking,
through every hour, against the violence there.
He is the King, though all I see is dying;
when all has passed, his word will still be there.
The earth rejoice, the sea rejoice, his saints rejoice
the glory of his name.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

camping at the beach

Of course, I have to share some instagrams taken, from the pastor's i-phone,
during our camping trip at Deception Pass....
It was so fun to be camping close to beautiful beaches.
So very different than the San Diego beaches that we are use to,
but so much to appreciate and marvel at. 
We are indeed growing to love this area! 
Collecting drift wood, cool rocks, and crab shells
is becoming a favorite activity.
The kids always come away with "treasures"
after these beach-combing jaunts! 
And you can see that our pup Jessie joined us on this trip.
She did so well and is quite the watch dog....even at our camp-site. 
It was reassuring, though somewhat annoying,
when she would bark in the middle of the night
at a noise she heard close by. 
The pastor said if someone came milling around in the middle
of the night, he would have just let her out the tent to scare the prowler away!
She sure is a nippy little thing, but she is O so very loved :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A
simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. 
Inspired by Soule Mama

Thursday, July 21, 2011

our first camping trip

For Toby's birthday we decided to go camping for a couple of nights.
Vacationing with a family of 7 can get a bit tricky and expensive,
so the pastor and I have been hoping that this might be a tradition
that our family would enjoy doing....
We have just been waiting for the right time, know, no diapers or crawling little ones. 
There were a number of families at the campground with babies,
but we have never been brave enough until now :)
It was a wonderful first experience, though it was quite a learning curve for us.
We took notes the whole trip, about what we needed for next time! 
I never camped much growing up, but the pastor has sweet memories of it.
We went to a campground near Deception Pass,
and it was just LOVELY! Definitely a place we want to return to.
Hiking opportunities were in every direction, as well as beaches
and areas to swim....if it were warm enough! 
The first night it was raining as we set up camp.
We did okay though, got our picnic table somewhat covered
and had a nice meal together. 
 I brought cupcakes for Toby's birthday which the children got to decorate. 
Trader Joe's box mix and icing mix is DELICIOUS!! 
 Got through the night, and were up bright and early Monday morning.
Toby had received some Legos for his b-day,
so of course that is the first thing he begged to do upon waking.
Eggs, bacon, cinnamon bread,
coffee, and orange juice 
were on the breakfast menu. 
Loved, loved, loved the opportunity to un-plug,
be still, talk, do nothing, read,
hike and play... 
I will NOT say I came home rested physically, 
BUT, I do believe mentally it was a great rest! 
The Lord blessed us with a BEAUTIFUL, sunny day on Monday,
and I have some sweet beach pictures that I will be sharing soon stay tuned!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

the pastor can still ollie

So, guess what Toby asked to get for his 7th birthday?
You got it.....a skateboard! 
Of course, since the pastor was quite the skater back in the day,
he was thrilled that his son wanted one....
and loved showing his sweet boy some of the basics
....and not so basics, of skating!

And off he goes....I pray that the Lord will keep him safe :)

Monday, July 18, 2011


I think I want an i-phone simply for this app.....
that justifies buying one, doesn't it??
I know, I know.... it doesn't.
But hey, I can alway post pictures the pastor takes
from time to time, CAN'T I! 
Aren't they cool?!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

my littlest man is 7

We are celebrating Toby's life today!
7 years ago he took his first breath,
and our sweet relationship began. 
How I love him!
July 17, 2004:
I remember being rushed to the hospital this particular morning, by my dear hubby....
in his Jeep, which of course had the top off. We had to travel about 30 minutes,
on the highway. Definitely an experience I will not forget :)
 2005: about 1 year
Of my two boys, Toby reminds me most of what his daddy looked like as a child.
Long, thin face, skinny stature.... and a FUNNY since of humor.
 2006: about 2 years
Of the five, Toby is closest in age in Abby....
but he has a sweet, sweet relationship with all of his siblings. 
 2007: about 3 years
Drew and Toby have always been very close, despite the 4 years between them.
They are always running around together, throwing some type of ball at each other
or shooting nerf guns. Drew has definitely become "his brother's keeper."
2008: about 4 years
2009: about 5 years
These pics were taken on our trip to Montana to visit some dear friends,
Toby's middle name is after the pastor's best friend.
They have a very sweet relationship!!
2010: about 6 years
Swimming with Whit and cousin Chase.....
two of Toby's favorite girls!!
 2011: his 7th year of life
:: Right now Toby loves :: do anything outdoors with his siblings
...the color orange, like his dad
...throwing the frisbee
...riding his bike and scooter
...hugs (yes, that is a bit scary!)
...his "ruff ruff" (which he has had since birth)
...making people laugh
...nerf guns
For God alone, Toby, wait in silence, for your hope is from Him.
He only is your rock and your salvation, your fortress;
You shall not be shaken.
On God rests your salvation and your glory;
your mighty rock,
your refuge is God.
Trust in him at all times, Toby;
pour out your heart before him;
God is a refuge for you.
(taken from Psalm 62:5-8)

Happy Birthday Dear Son
We Love You &
Are Celebrating Your Precious

If you're interested in walking a bit more down memory lane,
here is the link to Toby's b-day last year,
and here is another cute post about him..... enjoy :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A
simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. 
Inspired by Soule Mama
:: breaking the rule this week....wanted to share a bit more than a single moment ::

Monday, July 11, 2011

toby's birthday week

My sweet boy is turning 7 this coming Sunday....
so that makes this week his very last one as a 6 year old :(
We are celebrating his precious life the WHOLE week,
hoping to make some sweet memories for him! 
Yesterday, we all went to see one of Toby's favorite
movies, Cars 2. The pastor reminded me
that this was the first time we had all been to a movie together. 
I had a hard time believing that!! 
Today, the pastor took Toby and Drew fishing. 
They had received poles at Christmas, and had still not used them.
I think they had some sweet time hanging out, 
even though their hooks remained empty!
Toby keeps asking me for a "date".
We gave the kids Starbucks cards a while back,
with the promise to take each of them out. 
Toby and I are getting Starbucks tomorrow :)
Recently, Toby was invited to a children's discovery museum. 
He LOVED it, and is wanting to go back with his brother....
While the girls are occupied this week, I've
told him that we will.... in fact, I think we might just get 
a family pass for the year. I'm thinking this might
be a fine option for future rainy days this winter!! 
To top off his birthday week, we have some dear family friends
from San Diego, coming to see us for 24 hours! 
What a treat to be able to show them our new home
and take them to church with us on Sunday..... Toby's birthday :)

AND, as if that weren't enough, we've planned a family 
camping trip Sunday and Monday night. 
I believe I am going to be worn out by the end
of this very LONG celebration....
but I am so very excited about all the sweet memories
we are going to make. 
(...will keep you posted on all of those :)

Friday, July 8, 2011

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A
simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. 
Inspired by Soule Mama

Thursday, July 7, 2011

our fourth

We had a wonderfully festive fourth of July celebration this past Monday. 
Auntie Tricia graciously invited us to her home-town of Blaine
to take part in the festivities there. It was a perfect, small-town celebration for our family. 
Tricia lives in the heart of town, so we were able to park at her house
and walk to the parade.....
waiting, waiting, waiting
finally it began! 
I loved how everyone stood and clapped for our military as they passed.
After the flags, there was a memorial for those who have given their lives for our country.
Large pictures of those who had died were carried across our path. 
It was quite moving.
And O the beautiful horses..... and cars..... and band 
and of course beautiful Lucy watching with us. 
Papa was so inspired by the motorcycles, that he had to go home that afternoon
and ride back on his. 
What a PERFECT day for a parade and for riding bikes!!
After the parade, we stopped back at Tricia's and then headed back to the heart of town
to view the old cars, get some hot dogs and cokes.....
and ice cream and cinnamon almonds and kettle corn. Yum!!
I love how Toby's head is peaking up in the back of the old car....
that was a total accident. I didn't realize he was in the picture!! 
 After lunch, we crashed at Tricia's. 
The children played in the back yard, the adults talked, relaxed and napped. 
Our family took another long walk around town.... after we stopped to get sunscreen.
I'm not quite prepared for sunny weather yet!! 
We cooked out for dinner and then headed back down the street,
to the water, for fireworks. 
It could not have been more perfect.
Thank you Tricia for your sweet hospitality!!