Monday, May 27, 2013

us & gratitude list {#990-#1022}

very random things and thoughts about us, right now:

The spring has come here in the Northwest. The Lord has graciously supplied 
a number of beautiful, sunny days. 
Time moves at an uncanny fast pace. And the children seemingly grow and change daily. 
It's been hard for me. This passing of time. This new era of older people. 
The pastor and I both turned 39. We also currently have a 14, 12, 10, 8, 
and 6 year old living under our roof. 
The school year is winding down. Co-op classes have all finished. Lacrosse season is over. 
We've traveled to the southeast to visit family. 
Ellie has braces now. So many kids coming and going. All. the. time. 
Ping pong, home-made ice cream, and Tenzi are new family traditions.... along with The Voice. 
Whit still plays with her barbies.... Abby only once in a blue moon. 
She prefers her weekly job as a "mommy helper." 
Toby and Drew walk to the park alone now with their friend Jeremy. Their brotherly love
is quite strong. Toby has been know to be in tears at bedtime when his brother is not home. 
Ellie occasionally rides alone in a car with her good friend. (YIKES!!)
She is now officially enrolled in 9th grade at a local Christian high school. 
Thankfully, Whit still wants an American Girl doll for her 7th birthday,
and Toby refuses to give away any stuffed animals. AND, I've
caught both Toby and Drew playing legos recently. 
First plane tickets for 2 to travel alone to SD have been purchased. 
(a REALLY big step for dad!!)
The kids stay regularly alone now. And don't kill each other or burn the house down. 
In fact, for Mother's day this year, we came home from our date and
the house was clean, dinner had been made and served, a garden had been planted, 
and home-made strawberry shortcake had been made! 
They all still want me to pray and tuck them in. Every night. 
And, on occasion, a little creature will turn up in our bed come morning...
(and I don't mean the dog.) Hot drinks and a good movie are always our
go-to comfort mechanisms. 
And thankfully dressy-up and tea parties still happen with younger girls. 
I-pods, i-touches, apps, e-mail, web-chat, dvd, blueray, texting, you-tube, 
instagram, Facebook, wii, "Just Dance", download, Kendal, apple t.v., net flix, Red Box. 
Strange these things didn't exist when I was my kids' ages. This is everyday lingo for them. 
Thankfully, along with books, chores, reading, writing, homework, walks,
music, golf, soccer, phones, ping-pong, movies, barbies, legos, and snail-mail.
As you will see from the pics below, we've become a bit sentimental in our
old age, and have resorted to slowing down time by introducing our kids
to realllly old things.
Like a telephone with a chord. A record player. An ice cream maker.
A type writer. My old prom dress. (Ok, I guess they aren't THAT old :) 
I guess we like trying to preserve the past, or at least remember it....
and more importantly, encourage our kids to appreciate all that they have. 
Especially in a culture where everything is instant this. instant that.
All I can say, is raising kids today to love and fear the Lord above
all other, is not for the faint of heart.  

I know much more can be said about our present life, but this is what was on my
mind as I sat down to write today. Along with a slew of phone pictures. 
Now a days, I'm choosing to be thankful, finding the beautiful in the mundane,
or intentionally making something beautiful in the midst of a mess.... and snapping a picture. 
Maybe it's my way to cope with life as it moves on and on, farther and farther out of my comfort zone of those baby/toddler/early childhood years. To keep my 
perspective on what is important. And to remind myself that I am not alone....
and that God is faithful and will accomplish what He has purposed
in my life and in the lives of my children. 
:: laughter on hard homeschooling days :: 
:: a little patch of my favorite flowers in our back yard ::
:: many, many sunny days this spring ::
:: sisters, spontaneously choosing to weed our garden, which
I had absolutely no intention of doing this year!! ::
:: and two other sisters who often fight, but occasionally will find 
harmony with each other :: 
:: watching Whit grow in her writing and reading skills this spring :: 
:: sweet reminders of our past. i.e. Keith Green & Abba ::
:: A night on the town with my dear man. Dinner and a concert!! ::
:: 5 AMAZING kids who braved it home alone ::
:: The Lacrosse season ~ A new passion for Drew ::
:: His dear friend Jeremy who includes Toby in everything they do ::
:: making new family traditions ::
:: the excitement of making daddy feel special on his birthday :: 
:: home-made ice cream :: 
:: our dear Jessie. How we love her ::
:: as always, hot drinks and good books.... ::
:: a family night with Dick's burgers on the beach ::
:: like I said, many sunny days for beautiful walks and visits to the tulip fields :: 
:: my flower child ::
:: laughter and silliness ::
:: watching her grow ::
:: baby dolls and barbies and stuffed animals ::
:: the country ~ just a short drive away!! ::
:: flowers, brought home to me ::
:: the northwest spring ::
(its our 3rd spring here, and I'm just now appreciating it more than ever!!)
:: healthy, active children ::
:: watching Abby's reading and writing improve this year ::
:: watching her develop her gifts :: 
:: these 8 years of homeschooling my girl ::
:: watching her passions and talents emerge ::
:: her studious, consistent, work :: 
:: tastes of what is to come :: 

I thank you Lord. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

we are 39

So very hard to believe that both the pastor and I turned 39 this year. 
I choose not to dwell on how old we will be turning next year. 
For some reason, he did not love the picture below of us. 
I liked it.... so it made the blog :) 
I'm afraid we are beginning to look our age. 

The kids had a lovely day celebrating their dad's life! 
We decorated, made our family-favorite carmel cake,
picked up a ping pong table (now a new family-favorite activity),
made home-made ice cream with dad's new
ice cream maker (which is now a new family-favorite tradition),
and watched "The Voice" (our favorite-family t.v. show!!). 
Lots and lots of family and favorites going on. 
Needles to say, there's never a dull moment. 

Happy Birthday Precious Man! 

Saturday, May 18, 2013


We visited the famous Mt. Vernon tulip fields again this spring. 
We didn't make it last year, but if you're interested in seeing our first
time at these fields (2 years ago) click here

We chose a different venue this year, and boy was it BEAUTIFUL!! 
This outing was the day before our big trip to the southeast... (hopefully pictures will come:)
We met Num Num and Papa for a late breakfast to give them our pooch. 
We had to pass back through Mt. Vernon on our way home, and COULD NOT
pass up the opportunity, especially because the skies looked like this: 

I love seeing my sweet family surrounded by all of this glorious beauty!

Thank you Lord. You are One Amazing Artist and to think
You choose to have a relationship with me. 
I am humbled and so very grateful.