Friday, September 30, 2011

{this moment}

:: getting the "high ones" ::

Monday, September 26, 2011

a belated celebration

Sweet Whitney has been waiting for her "princess party"..... specifically her
"tangled" party, for a month now. (...which indeed I had promised her!)
Her birthday in August came at such a busy time for our family,
that I just felt like trying to pull-off a party with her little friends that month,
would be way too stressful, and I would not enjoy it at all.... which I really want to do!!

In our family, I've sort of made it a house rule that I will try and do a bigger,
themed party during the years of 4, 5, & 6. We sure have had
some fun ones in the past. Ellie had a "Cinder-ellie party" and a "pony party"
during these years. Abby had a themed "music party" and a "tea-party"
and Drew and Toby have had party themes such as "Cars," "safari,"
and "cow-boys"... to name a few. It's so fun to look back at these celebrations
as the kids get older. Such sweet memories.
I do love doing the themes... it just takes a lot of time and energy out of me.
And with five, I just wasn't sure I could do it every birthday, every year,
for each one. So... we've made this simple decision, and boy
it's helped simplify things. Of course, we still have parties as they
get older... they are just a bit more low-keyed with a small group of friends or family.

Well, things have quieted down, and this past weekend I felt like I could
put together a little home-made celebration with a few friends from church.
We had a very sweet time....
and I truly think Whitney felt celebrated!  
My grand-mother, Mama Jo, who is now with the Lord, 
used to collect hankies.... they, of course, are now vintage.
I brought them home from GA a while back, thinking I would do something with them. 
I decided that they would make a perfectly adorable bunting .... 
which I have always wanted to make to have on hand for parties. 
Whit's celebration was the motivation I needed to get the project done! 
(Why, O why, do I always work better under pressure???) 
I love the way it turned out and I love the sweet reminder 
it will be of Mama Jo whenever I hang it up! 
My sweet mother-in-law got these adorable cup-cake toppers
which I used as inspiration for decorating...  They were SOOOO cute. 
(Thank you so much Num Num! I was so thankful to have them,
especially since Whitney LOVED them, and I did not have to make a themed cake!!)
One of the characters in the movie "Tangled" is a chameleon that changes colors.
So, we had to make "Pascal" party-blowers.... which the girls loved!
For games, Ellie helped me make a "wanted poster" for the game:
"Pin the frying pan (which oddly would NOT print out black!!) on Flynn Rider."
In the movie..... Flynn Rider starts off as some-what of a villain
whom Repunzel continually hits with a cast-iron skillet. 
If you haven't seen the movie.... you'll have to, in order to find out if he stays one :)
Then, to my surprise, Abby (which by the way, was my superb helper the WHOLE day)
took the lead, and everyone went out back and played a
spontaneous game of duck-duck goose!! They all had such fun. 
(Don't you love Toby in the mix?)
(FYI: Ellie took the above left photo, and the one below....)
Aren't these little princesses the most adorable girls you've ever seen??
Thank you sweet friends for making Whitney feel so very special and loved. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

{this moment}

:: #1 making home-made apple pie .... including the pie crust ::

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

fruit from the garden

I will say, we had a pretty successful garden this past summer.... 
at least for my first go of it in the northwest.
(And considering, I don't have a green thumb :)
We planted: bush & pole beans, yellow crook-neck squash, zucchini, kale, red and yellow beets, chard, broccoli, cauliflower, mixed lettuce, and spinach.   
It is such a fun activity to do with the kids,
and there is nothing more rewarding than eating veggies from your own garden!! 
You can pretty much see what was a success!! 
More Kale than we could eat..... we actually baked some in the oven and made Kale chips. 
All the leafy veggies did wonderful. 
The zucchini got way too large and came quite a bit before the squash. 
I used it often in spaghetti dishes. Not a big hit with the kids
for how much space the plants take up in the garden. 
The squash and beans did okay, though didn't start bearing fruit until it
warmed up the last weeks in August..... 
and even then, not many beans. I don't think they had enough sun or heat. 
The kids continue to LOVE beets! I loved the broccoli.
The cauliflower was a flop. I must have done something wrong...
The plants got really big, but no fruit. Any tips?? 

Next summer, I hope to add green onions, basil, carrots (mainly for fun!)
radishes, and maybe even some pots of tomatoes....
I was too afraid to try them this first time. 

On another note, my "wild flower garden" turned into a "weed garden" :)
Not quite sure what I did wrong there.... all of the hoped for plants
were from seed, but must not have sprouted! 
(Though we do have an occasional wild flower in the mix of the green mess!)
Part of the problem, was that I didn't want to pull weeds,
as I could not tell them apart from the flowers :) 
My sweet peas, which I always have wanted to grow,
did okay, though I think would have done better in FULL sun. 

Still trying to learn what grows well here. I need good, sturdy plants
that come back yearly and don't need much attention! 
What are your favorite veggies and flowers in your garden?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

the body of Christ

It's Sunday, and I am so thankful for our covenant family! 
It is so hard to believe that it's been a year since we have moved..... A YEAR!!!!
Time has flown by. 

We sure do miss our dear friends and family in San Diego,
but the Lord has been faithful, and we are slowly developing some
sweet, new relationships in the Northwest.

Sadly, we are already having to say good-bye to some dear folks in our local church body,
as the Lord moves His people where He wants them, for His purposes. 
It is indeed bitter-sweet. 
It's sad to say good-bye, but a joy to think 
of what a new church body will be gaining in Idaho!

The body of Christ is such a blessing, and we are learning 
that the relationships we have developed over the years do indeed change,
but that the bond we have in Christ preserves them!
Praise the Lord for that.

We will miss you, Sam and Bobbie!!
In the short time we have had the privilege to live near you,
you have GREATLY encouraged, strengthened, and challenged us.
Thank you! 

On another note,
a dear family from San Diego got to come visit us last week for the day. 
It was a blessing to be with them, catch up on their lives,
and hear first-hand how our former church body is doing. 
Thank you Tullsens for taking the time to come see us! 
You encouraged, blessed, and entertained us :)

Ya'll, we have eternity to look forward to....
and these sweet times of fellowship with the body of Christ,
 are glimpses of what Heaven will be!!
.... only, no more good-byes :)

To all of you who are close to our hearts, but live far away:
May the Lord bless you and keep you
may His face shine upon you,
and be gracious to you. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

gratitude list #665- #717

Yes, the pictures of my niece, Chase, keep coming....
if only you could see all the ones I refrained from posting :)
These were taken the day before her sweet family left.
We all ventured over to a park next to the water.
Beautiful, northwest summer day.
Beautiful faces of my beloved children and niece. 
So much to be thankful for.... 
healthy bodies
good immune systems
the joy of "tying strings" with my children
a faithful, loving husband who
also loves to "tie strings" with them
little ones who still want to be held
family pictures
a new stage in life
summer in the northwest
cousins playing dress-up
sweet, young relationships
the sun on her face
time together
a new little niece or nephew being knitted together
that He numbers all our days.... before one of them happens
that our Maker knows us.... even the unlovely parts
and that still, He loves us
that we cannot hide from Him
that He hears us
and wants to have a relationship with us
that I am His child
a good start to another school year
new relationships
that I'm not alone
other's, drawing beside me, encouraging and helping me 
the ways He sanctifies me daily.... though it is so hard
the faith of a child
that my Heavenly Father holds my hand... and won't let go
family meals
reading together
cheering each other on
colors and textures
a quiet house
surprises from my hubby
the smell of bread baking (made by #1!)
that we can ask for wisdom
that we can believe... and not doubt that He will give it
studying James with my children
my Father's world
the wonder and beauty of it all
finding treasures

the testimony of faithful ones who have gone to be with Jesus
the strength and joy given to those left behind
the Hope we have that this life is NOT all there is
an Eternal Home being prepared 

One of our former pastors went to be with the Lord this week. 
Would you pray for the Kendall family, if the Lord brings them to your mind?
His death has been a somber reminder that there is so much more to life than what we see.
My heart aches for this dear family, but I am so thrilled
when I hear their testimony of God's faithfulness through this trial. 
It gives me courage. 

May God be glorified through our earthly trials.
May He give His children strength to endure,
as we all long for Heaven's peace and eternal rest with our Savior! 

Saturday, September 10, 2011


:: lovin' ::
:: skippin' ::
:: slidin' ::
:: playin' ::
:: posin' ::
:: chillin' ::
:: twirlin' ::
:: smilin' ::
:: ferryin' ::
The sweet, sweet times to remember go on and on. 
..... and yes, there are more to share :) 
We celebrated four summer birthdays while our San Diego family was here, 
and decided that that perhaps
would be a new family tradition..... seasonal, group parties. 
The summer season = Toby's, Drew's, Whit's, and Chase's b-days. 
Fondu was on the menu, an evening walk to the park, 
a family surprise, cake & ice cream, presents, and Soul Surfer!!