So we've just finished our second Lord's Day at our new home.
This past week was very busy around the house - unpacking lingering boxes,
putting up pictures, and starting to home school. . .
I'm excited about the new school year!
We actually have a schoolroom that I will share with you soon.
Now that I am schooling the four olders my days are going to be pretty long!
It is A LOT of hard work, but I am so thankful I have the opportunity to teach them.
We headed to Num Num and Papa's Friday night for dinner.
How odd (but super exciting!) that was.
We had to keep reminding ourselves that we were not on vacation!
The country where they live is one of my favorite places, and simply driving
through the farmlands relaxes me! It is going to be a blessed retreat for us.
The kids picked apples and blackberries upon arrival,
and then played "dressy-up" with Num Num's thrifted wedding dresses and suits.
We had a wonderful Northwestern meal of fresh Salmon-
caught that morning and delivered by one of their friends!! Couldn't be more perfect!
Saturday night we decided to get in the car and explore our area a bit.
It had been raining off and on. . . quite new for all of us :)
As we took off, with the windows down so as to smell the fresh air,
something flew in the car. . . dad pulled over and we discovered a beautiful blue dragonfly
had flown in for a ride. The kids were quite excited!
We drove to the coast about 15-20 minuets from our house, watched a ferry come in,
and walked the pier. The kids were fascinated to watch the fishermen. . .
Drew asked for fishing poles for Christmas :)
We finished the evening with Ivars Clam Chowder. Yum!!
We are overwhelmed with gratitude. We are missing family and friends,
but are thankful and confident about this new chapter in our lives.
The pastor will start preaching next Sunday. . .
gatherings at our house have begun to line up. . .
play dates with new friends.
We are excited about our new ministry,
and pray that we will be used mightily by the Lord
in the lives of these dear people.