We are in our last week of good-byes. We are sad. We are overwhelmed. But we are not alone.
This past month, the Lord has been so very gracious to us in so many ways.
I hope to share some bits of His faithfulness in the days to come. . .
The book I referred to in an earlier post, that I got from Mama Jo's house,
is called The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life.
It is by a Quaker named Hannah Smith who lived in the mid 1800s.
I wanted to share a bit of it that has really been meaningful to me.
"Let the ways of childish confidence and freedom from care,
which so please you and win your hearts in your own little ones,
teach you what should be your ways with God;
and, leaving yourselves in His hands, learn to be literally 'careful for nothing';
and you shall find it to be a fact that the peace of God,
which passeth all understanding, shall keep (as with a garrison)
your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
'Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee:
because he trusteth in thee.' . . .
There is such a thing as having one's soul kept in perfect peace,
now and here in this life;
and childlike trust in God is the key to its attainment."
I want to have childlike trust. My children are trusting in me and their daddy.
They are not sad. They are not overwhelmed.
Am I trusting in my Heavenly Father like my children trust in me?
O Lord, help me to have faith like a child.